Monday, 31 March 2014

The Magnificent 7- Disney Princesses

Ugh, I hate the days I have nothing to blog about, it becomes so much effort for me. If I was into beauty and makeup and stuff I would have a lot more content, but I'm not so UGH! But in this post I am going to be quite girly and talk about childhood things in a new Magnificent 7. I'm a big fan of Disney films so I thought I'd do a magnificent 7 of princesses even though there aren't that many I like but hey we'll see how it goes. 

7. The start of this list is pretty much the princesses I don't
completely hate, so seven would have to be Aurora, from Sleeping Beauty. She is probably only number 7 because I dislike those not in the list more. So instead of talking about why I like Aurora I am going to say why she isn't higher in the list. Number 1: she is franchised as wearing a pink dress when she is seen mainly wearing a blue dress throughout the film, Number 2: She does pretty much fuck all in the film apart from singing a song, and falling asleep. And Number 3: there isn't really a three cause the other two things are very frustrating. 

6.  I guess next would be Jasmine from Aladdin. (However I prefer the
Jasmine from Twisted more she is just hilarious). An annoying thing about Jasmine is pretty much the same as most of the princess' and that is that she falls in love too fast. I mean come on you only just met the guy and you go on a magic carpet ride with him? He could be a rapist for all you know. And I feel she only loves him to rebel against Jafar and stuff. But yeah. She's generous by giving starving children apples and things.

5. Would have to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She loves books, and that reminds me of my mum, not that I'm calling my dad a beast or anything. She's a good character because she refuses the love of what is supposed to be the perfect guy, because she just isn't interested and instead falls in love with someone who is considered a monster. Which shows that she isn't vain which is an amazing quality for Disney Princess's as most of them fall in love with Prince Charming. 

4. Merida would have to be number four just simply for her hair. I love how she has different strength of curls and some of them are different shades. They made her look adorable when they showed her as a child. Also gotta love the Scottish accent. I also like how she fights for her right and such, but I feel she takes things too far by trying to change her mum, because her mum is just trying to do what she thinks is best. Hence why she is number 4.

3. Getting the bronze would be Rapunzel from Tangled. I love that film, it's amazing. And I like Rapunzel cause she is all kind hearted, by seeing the good in people. She was also pretty funny when she was trying to act all tough. It just bugs me that from one swoop of a shard glass she can have perfect layered hair. 

2. At two is Mulan, even though I don't think she really counts as a princess because technically she isn't royalty. But I guess that's what makes he even better, because she earned her title by saving China. Mulan is a very close second to be honest because she is just brave, and isn't afraid to be who she is. She's also smart and rebellious and such. 

1. My favourite Disney Princess from my favourite Disney film has to be Ariel. I'm not entirely sure why she is my favourite, I mean she is pretty naive and falling in love with a guy she hasn't even spoken to and obsessing over his statue. But she sacrifices a lot for her dream and that takes guts, she is also adventurous which I admire even though I don't really care about having much of an adventure myself. I just like Ariel. She also sings a song that I get stuck in my head on a weekly basis.

So that is the top 7 disney princesses, in my opinion. Sorry for not having anything else to blog about, hopefully tomorrow shall contain some interesting content. Until then, see you in the 'morrow!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Mother's Day

So to all the mother's out there, Happy Mother's Day! However I feel like you should appreciate your mother everyday, instead of on this one occasion, because she is the woman that gave you life, and made you the person you are today. So stop being a dick and make her feel special everyday. I try to. Love you mum x (even though you don't read my blog)

But since it is mother's day I decided to dedicate today's post to my wonderful
mother. The book obsessed, embarrassing, smoker, who tends to only watch tv shows because she finds a guy in it attractive, is someone I am never ashamed to say I am related to. Unless she starts talking about how she likes Bruno Mars and Nickelback, in which case, mother I no longer know you. 

My mum is the obvious caring mother who always knows when I am not feeling right, and then annoyingly always has the right answers, but she is also the extremely embarrassing mum. Luckily I have an older sibling who gets more embarrassed so I tend to miss out on the annoyance of my mother, but I shall share this story of how she embarrassed my sister at the cinema.

Basically Hal promised to see the 2nd St Trinians film with me, but didn't because she was seeing the film with her friends, so mum offered to take me (mainly cause David Tennant was in it, and everytime he appeared on screen she nudged me and went "It's David Tennant" and I was like I know mum I have eyes!) Anyway, mum took me to see the film at the exact same time as Hal went, and at the exact same cinema. So when the film was over mum ran (figuratively my mum isn't much of a runner) over to Hariette hugging her and saying "Don't worry mummy loves you" and just walks off. Yeah my mum is awesome. She is also obsessed with saying the word Panda, just thought I should tell you that. 

There are many other things I can tell you about my mum but I don't have the time. She is just my mad, amazing mother who I would not be able to live without. So that was a brief insight into the woman who made me who I am, so you should all be thanking her. Unless you don't like me in which case, don't hate on her cause she is wonderful. Anywho Happy Mother's Day to all. I shall see you in the 'morrow!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Come At Me!

Sorry but there is going to be another tag today cause I didn't really do a lot so yeah. When i found it, it came with the title Come At Me so I just went with it, now idea why it is called that. Enjoy! If you can.

1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now?
 Yeah I'm pretty satisfied. 
2. Do you drink enough water? No not really. I don't like the taste water leaves in my mouth.
3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King? I have never eaten at Burger King, but I got a drink from there last Saturday.
4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Probably beaches.
5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning? UUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. Like most people. And if you don't you are a crazy person.
6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date? Be taken on a date? I guess I don't want to disappoint someone by making the wrong choices.
7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes? When I was 7, I never wear heels.
8. Vodka or wine? Vodka.
9. How often do you cry? Pretty often, which kind of sucks :/
10. Ever had a crush on a teacher? Ew no. That's weird.
11. Can you wire a plug? No.
12. Do you wear socks to bed? Sometimes, if my feet are really cold.
13. What is currently bugging you? Too many things.
14. Where were you when you got your first period? WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS?
15. Can you change a car tire? No.
16. Have you met more than ten celebrities? No, but there are so many I want to meet.
17. Do you sleep naked? Not really no.
18. What was the best music gig you've ever attended? MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE!
19. Have you ever had sexual feelings for anyone you follow? Does this mean on Twitter? Cause if not this is some creepy stalker shit.
20. Do you think Benedict Cumberbatch is hot? Yes, but I prefer Andrew Scott.
21. Favourite Disney princess? Ariel.
22. Favourite city? Tokyo, just seems super awesome.
23. Can you drive? No, mainly cause I'm not old enough.
24. Cigarettes or alcohol? Alcohol.
25. Exercise or healthy eating? Healthy Eating, exercise is effort.
26. Favourite and least favourite accents? Like: Welsh, Irish, Russian. Hate: Scouse.
27. What are you looking forward to? My Birthday, cause I get to spend time with friends in a large group outside of school playing laser tag.
28. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child? No I don't think I did.
29. Are you more attracted to men or women? Men.
30. Do you like 1980s fashion? No not really.

Yeah, sorry about having another tag but what else am I supposed to do? I shall prepare something different next time I promise. See you in the 'morrow!

Friday, 28 March 2014

The Fried Brain...

Hi Guys, I am really sorry but my brain is just fried today. I can't remember enough about what I did in order to write an interesting blog, so I decided to answer some questions instead. Yes I know there are still more question tags! Really sorry, but hey maybe you can waste some time :)
1. What do you plan on doing with your life a decade from now? I don't really make future plans, because I have no idea what will happen. But I would like to have a job, and a house with my friend Jessie, at least. 
2. Do you support abortion? Yes or No? Give your reasons. I believe it is wrong to kill something that doesn't have a say in it, a fetus in my mind is still a living conscience, and even though there are no memories or official feelings I believe it is wrong to just take that life away.  
3. Do you support euthanasia? Yes or No? Give your reasons. I kind of do, because if the person who you are helping is absolutely sure it is what they want, I see nothing wrong with helping them relieve the pain. Cause no-one really deserves to be in pain.
4. Would you rather go back in time or remain where you are in terms of the time of your life? Well if I could go back in time there are a lot of things I would change to make others happy and to make better decisions, but I feel if I do that then my life now would change, and I love my life the way it is, sure there are things I wish wouldn't be there but I am happy, so I'll just stay here.
5. Do you like the school you're going to? Yes or No? Give your reasons. I kind of do and I kind of don't. I like the fact that my friends are here and some of the teachers are hilarious, but on the other hand some of their rules are just ridiculous and some of the teachers are just WHY? 
6. Who was your favourite Disney princess as a child? Ariel, she still is. However Mulan is a very close second.
7. How do you manage your finances? What do you normally spend it on? And what would you do with your savings for the future? I tend to be given money for things I need, like clothes or social time, or food. In the future I would save money for future children so they could have a good life and stuff.
8. Do you still live with your folks? Yes, but I am 16 so it is slightly more acceptable than if I was in my 40's or something. 
9. What do you crave for for desserts? Usually Ice Cream. You can never go wrong with Ice Cream.
10. Who are your style icons? I don't really have any. 
11. Would you rather die by fire or by ice? hmmm...I'd say ice cause then my body would be preserved and could be used for science and stuff, fire would just cause to much damage.
12. Do you believe in an afterlife? I believe that there is still life after death yes, just not in a heaven or hell kind of way.
13. What do you fear most about death? Leaving people behind.
14. Favourite countries and cities in the world. England (duh) Japan, Wales, Ireland, Russia, not many others. Can't be bothered to name cities.
15. Extrovert or Introvert? A combination of both, probably more extrovert once I am comfortable with those I am around.
16. Do you own any pets? Yes my adorabubble little kitty Sebastian.
17. Last movie you watched? Did you enjoy it? The Wicker Man and not really it was just weird.
18. Where do you normally shop for clothes? Primark!
19. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My nanny :)
20. Favourite TV shows? Sherlock, The IT Crowd, Being Human, Family Guy, How I Met your Mother, Not Going Out and Adventure Time, there are more these are just the Magnificent 7 ;)

So yeah, sorry about writing another Tag post, if you expect tomorrow to change, you might not have so much luck. :/ Well see you in the 'morrow!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Another Seemingly Pointless Post...

Hiya! Another day another seemingly pointless blog post. Today I realised something. I realised that I am happy. Which in terms of my blog can be seen as a bad thing. Why? Well I feel I tend to write more when I complain about things, I go on ranting my feelings and that just fills up the online page with words. But now I am happy, so there are no rants, which means less content. So sorry about that. However I did just rant slightly about how I don't rant about things, so yeah...Let's move on.

This morning I overslept missing my morning bus, and had to get my mum to take me into school. Which wasn't so bad as I didn't have to walk down Middleton's lane, and I met with two of the triplets on the way, and we talked about mornings and their annoyances. When I got in only Jessie was there and we talked about her art exam. Then I went to 2 hours of private study completing work. 

After this was break, and um...WHY CAN I NEVER REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS AT BREAK?! I should write it down. Ugh. Anywho, next was double psychology with the usual suspects, and we were learning about conformity. Then we went to the shop and I got some Maoam and a lolly then we went back to psychology and Claire and I kept making such inappropriate remarks about the lollys. It was pretty funny.

Then it was lunch and I stayed with peeps even though I didn't need to. We also spent like 15 minutes trying to guess which middle school Amy went to, it got to the point where Hal and I googled schools on Norfolk and read out long lists until she answered. Finally she told us. Woodview? If that's wrong I feel I will never hear the end of it.

So I went home after this and walked in the rain to the bus stop and waited in the rain for the bus, and got home and snuggled up in PJs and a blanket. Then after some TV Watching, eating, youtubing and facebooking, we end up here. See you in the 'morrow!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Good Samaritan

Hey! Day 127 in the Mad and a Little Bit Weird World and today I did a good deed, but we'll get to that later. Until then enjoy the wonderful account of my day.

To start of I was on the bus with Emma and we spoke about some stuff and we got to school and she left me in the common room to go finish some work. So I sat with Hal and we were bitching about people. More people then turned up and we talked and shizzle. Then I left to go to private study where I completed some notes for psychology and some editing for media. After this I was briefly joined by Claire who moaned at me for not replying to texts I didn't know I had. 

Break next and Jessie spent the whole time sitting on my lap. This wasn't that interesting so lets go back to private study talking about Green Day and how awesome Billie Joe Armstrong's hair is. After this was lunch where I was flirting with everyone.

Next I had media and we watched this super weird film. The Wicker Man. If you have seen this please agree with me it is messed up. It got really pornographic at one stage and it was just awkward. So then Media was over and I met Clive to ge the late bus. It arrived and it was a minibus which could only sit like 14 people and there was like 20 of us. 

So Claire and I decided to be such good samaritans and give up the seats we had (cause we got there like first) and went and got the public bus. IN THE COLD! The late bus driver called us sweethearts :') We spent the whole walk to the bus stop telling people what good people we were. Then started thinking about how we could be in the paper, then how famous we would be if our sacrifice led to our death. 

Then I was home. So yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Abandoned and Laughing...


Wow I need new greetings if I gone to baby talk. Well nonetheless lets get on with talking about my day. 

So I had a nice lie in and went to school in time for break where I sat with my friends and I remember laughing but can't remember why. 

Moving on! I had biology where I was abandoned by Emily so had to sit alone. :( It was pretty funny when our teacher was trying to find out gossip about people in our year, oh miss Q.

After this was loonch time, yeah I spelt lunch like that. And I was abandoned by various people going to the chip shop. But when they returned I aggressively hugged Claire 3 times.
This was followed by psychology with the normal people. It was pretty funny cause someone left the class and our teacher tried to lock him out but realised she couldn't lock the door from the inside. Then she decided to hide his helmet in a draw. When he tried to find it she started playing hot or cold with him. Claire, Maddy and I laughed like crazy.

Then I went home on the late bus with Claire and Amy where we spoke about my quest to befriend Manager Guy and Burger King. 

So overall a pretty good day. I decided to change up my post technique like writing smaller posts, trying to make it interesting but not tedious. Cause I often find when reading lots of writing I get bored so yeah. Hope you liked this, it will probably just go back to usual in a couple of days. See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Memes, Memes Everywhere!

There are two hours left in the day and I have nothing to post today :/ I'm not feeling all that up to posting either so what to do what to do? Hmm... I'm going to talk briefly about memes. Do you all know what memes are? I don't know the specific term but they are essentially funny pictures which you can find on le facebook. Here are some of my favourite ones: 

Some of these are just pure genius. Sorry this wasn't a very interesting read but I hope that the funny pictures made up for this. All should return to normal soon. See you in the 'morrow!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

A Pretty Awesome Day

Why, Hi! I don't know why I greeted you like that but it rhymed so it stays. Todays post is going to be about the events of yesterday. OOOOOH! Yeah prepare yourself for the magic. It wasn't that magical, well some parts were. Let's just get on with it. 

So on Wednesday? Yeah Wednesday my friend Eddie asked Jass, and me if we wanted to go bowling. So we agreed and thus came yesterday. I was really tempted to write yesteryear then. What is wrong with you brain? Anywho, so we had planned to meet at the bowling place at 1. Therefore I got the 12:12 bus to ensure I was there on time. 

The two ughmehs (I don't know why I called them that either) arrived 40 minutes late. It got to the point I called Jessie's mum to see if they actually left the house. Which they had, so it was just them being all late and such. But when they arrived we had a game of extreme air hockey,I won! Then we had a game of bowling, where we used the support thing and kept almost breaking the bumpers. I even managed to throw the ball backwards. Only me. 

After this we decided to spend some time in the arcade. We played Pac-Man, this flashy light thing, basketball, and dance mat. Then we started going on machines that gave us tickets. Jessie went on this weird ball drop thing and started winning a lot, then I went on Deal or No Deal.  I chose box 15 and stuck with box 15 and won the maximum 100 tickets. Fuck Yeah. So we counted the tickets and we won 192. We then started trying more things, like this weird coin thing, and Pac-man again, and we won another 250+ tickets. Then we found our game. The Wheel or greatness. At first we spun and kept getting like 3 tickets, then a miracle. Eddie jump spun and got the bonus, of 500 tickets! Then 5 minutes later I spun it and we won the bonus again! It was like WHOA! Overall we won like 1,800 and something tickets. We are going to save up to get something cool. 

When this was over, we went to burger king and shared to good news with Amy. Then we sat at a table playing with a penny. After this we wandered round the city and saw this guy dressed up as a tap and these girls dressed as toilets, and we started making puns like "I'd tap that" and mine was "well they can handle that shit" we donated some money to the charity cause we aren't heartless bitches then I asked if I could have his tap hat when he was finished with it. Then I realised it was a cold tap and no longer wanted it. 

Then I came home ate some flapjack and went to bed. A pretty awesome day.  The luck though was incredible I wanted to go get a lottery ticket. Should have taken that opportunity. DAMMIT! See you in the 'morrow!

Cancer Research Support

Hello fellow chums! Today we are going to talk about something important. If you have read the title you should know what I am on about. So going round recently has been this tag to show support for cancer research, known as The No Make-Up Selfie. Basically girls post pictures of themselves wearing no make up and nominate those they feel should also contribute. 

Yesterday I was nominated by Lish, but I don't usually wear makeup so this was easy for me, but I still posted a selfie sharing the information to donate and nominated some people of my own. They don't wear make up either but they can help share the news around. So here's my no make-up selfie. Look at me with my awkward half smile. Yes I am in the girls bathroom at 6th form. Only way to do it. And yes there is a poster of Stalin. He wanted to contribute also. 

As well as this, you can nominate boys to wear make up and post a selfie to show support. 

If you too would like to take part it isn't difficult, just take a picture of you not wearing, or wearing makeup (dependent of your gender) and post it publicly. Just don't forget to spread the information if not what is the point? If you aren't comfortable with sharing pictures of yourself for personal reason you can still donate, by either going to the website and contributing as much as you can, or by texting "BEAT" to 70099 and that will donate £3 to the cause. And if for some reason you cannot donate money, then at least spread the word, cause then it might get to someone who can, and that is better than just sitting back doing nothing. 

You guys are awesome and can do awesome things. So please donate to this wonderful charity if you can. Love you! And I shall see you in the 'morrow!

Friday, 21 March 2014

Got To Get Down On Friday

!olleH for those of you who have the power that said Hello! So today I went to 6th form cause I missed my friends and thought I had to face my fears and actually go to the lessons. This was how it all went down. 

I got the bus and headed for school at the usual time meaning I was in the common room when it was practically empty 40 minutes before we had to be there. So what did I do? I made my coat into a cushion and laid down trying to take a nap. Then Jessie arrived so we spoke with Hal about Polly Pockets and the kind of ones we used to own. Whilst this happened Aims, Charlotte, Lish and the others slowly arrived and we were still talking about barbies, my scenes and polly pockets. This then got into the dark side of barbie dolls like Tanerecsic barbie. Who doesn't want that as a toy? 

After this the bell went and I headed for psychology with Momo and Clive, Maddy should have been with us but she was running late. In psychology we had to take a test using notes I had not prepared. Following this test we were given back our mocks. It turns out I was one mark away from a D so I ran out of the room and cried, cause I felt like I could have failed less if I just got that one fucking mark! UGH! 
 I can't remember much about break so lets move on to MEDIA! All we did in media was watching old remakes of the film Dracula. I loved the one we watched all the way through it was so fucking funny. For example the reactions to the death of his sister was just amazing. Jessie and I kept reinacting it to each other. Then we kept getting frustrated at the maid cause she was just so useless. DAMN IT GERDA!

This was shortly followed by mentor where I was scared sir was going to moan at me for my bad mock grades, luckily he didn't so phew! Next I was supposed to have Biology but our teacher wasn't there so we were meant to go to the study centre but I wasn't in the mood to do the work at that point in time as I felt I would have worked better at home, so Ems and I sat in the common room where we talked about who we'd nominate for the No Make Up selfie in support for Cancer Research. Then twenty minutes before the end of the lesson Mr Tailor complained and forced us to go to the study centre which was pointless. Ugh. 

So after school I went to the city with my sister and had a Nando's YUM! Man that was good. Anywho see you in the 'morrow!