Sunday 1 December 2013


Warning: This post may include extreme cases of fangirling. 

So last night was most probably the best night of my life (so far). IT WAS SO INCREDIBLE! Why? I hear you ask in your just hurry up and get to the point voice. To which I respond with this...
If you are confused this is a picture of my ticket to see MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE, which are one of my favourite bands ever. (You should know all this information from previous blogs). I went with Efah and Jass (Eddie and Jessie) and we had the best time! First off just standing in the queue was brilliant, because of this awesome guy who wore a suit which had "rock my hole" written on the back, he had this amazing pinky purple sticky out hair, and a beard! I mean I couldn't take my eyes off  him, I fell in love. If only his beard was coloured...
So we were inside, and we stuck by this random wall, and listened to The Dead Betas? Who were good, not brilliant but not terrible either. Then I fell in love again. With this Australian band called The Red Paintings, behind them there were people painting, someone as painting a guy who was just in his underwear and wearing a wasp mask. they were dressed up in a kind of Japanese style, and they incorporated the cello and the violin, it was magnificent. And the lead singer, THE LEAD SINGER! He wore a skirt a Japanese head dress thing and an R2D2 back pack. I wanted to marry him, he was so amazing! 

That wasn't even the best part guys. Now was time for MSI! Their songs, their showmanship,
it was all just...ugh...I'm running out of adjectives. I sang and whooped so loud I thought I would never talk again, but I can talk perfectly, it's shocking. But I have this really bad in my neck from head-banging too hard :/ We also had an amazing view because Efah suggested we sit on the wall, and it was a good thing we did because I don't  think some of the shit would have happened if we didn't. So the shit, I got to see Lynz do a back bend whilst playing bass, Eddie got pointed out by Jimmy Urine as being a serial killer, it was amazing, then later on he came over and "smelled his ass" I know it sounds unpleasant but it was the lead singer of MSI for crying out loud! Then, my favourite moment. Jimmy came back out into the crowd and high fived the 3 of us! Honestly I can die happy right now.
Then to remember it all I bought a signed t-shirt. Which I am kindly modelling for you now, with my ticket! And I love it so much. I especially love one of the signitures but guitarist Steve Righ? I mean it's just genius.  I loved every minute of that concert and I'm so grateful for the chance to go. If your favourite band come to your home town or somewhere nearby GO! It is worth every penny.
EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK. Everyone is going to get tired of my stories, but I am never going to get tired of telling them. Let's just say a little prayer for my friends for having to put up with me...Here's a picture of the signatures on my shirt cause I'm super happy about it all... So in other news, today my mother ran over my foot with the car, cause she assumed I was already inside. I'm fine though, I think even if I did get injured, I wouldn't care. For I saw MSI, and MSI saw Me! I am a little sad I'm no longer with them though :'( But the memories shall last a lifetime. Hope you all had a good weekend. Love you, in a really non stalkerish way

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