Tuesday 24 December 2013

The Eve of Christmas

It is the Eve of Christmas, tonight Santa shall climb down the chimney and provide us with our desired gift. Or in my case use his special key to open the door cause we do not have a chimney. I just want to clear one thing up about Mr Claus, he does not deliver all the presents around the world in one night. There are time zones people! He does it all in a 24 hour session, which sounds less spectacular, but is still pretty amazing. Elli, Santa isn't real. Yes he is, SHUT UP! 

So today I spent the day with my grandparents. We as a tradition opened the gifts from each other a day early, cause we like to see the reactions to what we got them. And because we would rather have multiple days for gift giving than just one. Oh and of course having Fish & Chips, for it isn't Christmas Eve without fish and chips, of course I don't have fish cause I'm a veggie, but I had pineapple fritters which were to die for. We watched Toy Story 2 and my nannie kept asking me if Jessie was Woody's girlfriend, SERIOUSLY Nannie don't you know anything! As gifts I got a nice body spray collection, a pretty umbrella, a make up set (maybe I should start wearing make-up) and £50. So I was pleased, and everyone seemed please. So a good Xmas Eve for us.

Then when we got home I was incredibly tired so just went to bed. But that doesn't mean I fell asleep, I'm still watching Finding Nemo whilst eating a terry's chocolate orange. After that I'm going to watch me some Nightmare Before Christmas, as it makes logical sense, followed by The IT Crowd marathon. 

Umm...Not really a lot to blog about cause it was pretty much just spending time with the family. So I guess all that is left to say is, have a good Christmas Eve! Or just plain December 24th. And well done to me for still posting everyday even though it is probably the busiest time of year!

See you in the 'morrow! Yes Santa I am talking to you!

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