Sunday 8 December 2013

Land of Youtube

Hello, just another boring day in the land of mad and a little bit weird. Which doesn't make sense as you expect everyday to be crazy. So today was much like yesterday but I slept ate and watched the Little Mermaid. It was released in 1989. 1989! But what I've done today doesn't make a good blog, infact none of my posts really make a good blog, but I digress, (I'm a leading man, and the lies I weave are oh so intricate...) Sorry I tend to sing sometimes when someone unknowingly references a lyric from a song. Today I am going to talk about one of the best creations from 2005. Youtube

If you have read my previous posts you should know I have my own page which I share with my friends called unicornsoftherainbow, which is just a bunch of random videos I take of us being well us. It has in my opinion been received really well reaching over 12,000 views, which doesn't sound amazing but for me it's an achievement. Our most viewed video is of me screaming to my friends to tickle Jessie, it just goes to show the kind of things people watchAgain if you have read my blog before you may know that once I get a new laptop I am wanting to start a new youtube channel that is just going to be like my blog. So a vlog. Just to be a bit more mad

Asides from that I want to talk about the other aspect of youtube which is watching it. For me youtube is a land I can escape to when I feel down, angry, bored, confused, happy, pretty much whenever. My favourite channels are the gamers, so Pewdiepie, Cryaotic, TheRPGMinx, LDShadowLady, Markiplier and so many others like that. I love watching them all play together cause it is great seeing how they all interact to make them more real. Then I like people who vlog/make more random videos like AmazingPhil, danisnotonfire, WatchUsLiveAndStuff, CutiePieMarzia, and more like them, because they are either funny or just interesting to watch. 

Then there are the more, how do I put this, creative types? Like The Hillywood Show, who I love watching their parodies, for example their Harry Potter parody. Screen Junkies, who I only really watch for the Honest Trailers cause they tend to make me laugh. And my all time favourite Netty Scribble, who makes animations that are just brilliant. She takes voices and clips from gamers and turns them into something brilliant. Her animations always make me smile, and if I am ever down show me one of them and I am instantly happy. The go to ones, are the PewdieCry fanimation or her short fanimations based on game play, so far the best one is this I can seriously watch it non-stop for an hour and still find it funny. 

So yeah, that was my view on Youtube. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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