Monday 16 December 2013

What a Load of Meh

How to describe my day in one word? Hmm...MEH! Seriously it was so full of emotions I don't know where I stand. Let's just go through it step by step.

So it started off like every other day, getting woken up at 6:30 but not actually leaving the snuggley warmth of my bed til about 7, rushing to get the half past bus. Today I missed it got a lift from my mum. Went to the shop where my wonderful sister Hal bought me a coke, saw Kez, spoke with Kez while she waited for her taxi, and she gave me a cupckake! It was delicious, THANK YOU KEZIA! Then I sat in the common room for half an hourish talking to Jassums, Lish and the triplets. So overall that was a meh.

Next up, private study with Lish and Jassums. I like a good little muffin did some revision for a biology test on mitosis, so obviously I watched a song explaining it all about 5 times. "Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase." Stuck in my head for LIFE. Then Jass and I had to leave Lish to go see CHAMPS. He is our media teacher and we were talking to him about our blott rubbers, cause I'm getting everyone obsessed! Other parts of that lesson are a blur, so lets head on over to BreakSo break time, people gave me christmas cards and I even got a present from Connor, everyone else's card from him had a smiley face...WHERE THE FUCK WAS MINE CONNOR!!!??? I opened my present cause "I gots to know" and for the rest of he day Momo called me a disgrace. So overall that was meh. (sensing the pattern, no well don't worry cause it's all about to change.)

MORE PRIVATE STUDY YAY! She says sarcastically. However I did have more Lish, Aims, Clive and Kez, but Kez was all the way over there *makes hand gesture*. In classic private study with the blog friends we spent most of the time on our blogs, I did work as well don't worry your pretty little head about it, and Clive decided to write a blog about her crush's and spoke briefly about who she likes now...OOOOH. I have never seen the guy and probably have no idea who he is but I shall still annoy her about it in anyway possible. She also asked me who I liked and for some reason I whispered into her cheek that I was never going to make the reveal. We also said how Lish was pushy in the case of she has to know who people like and it lead to my second favourite quote of the day "She's also pully" True Genius. That  my friends was a good part of my day.

Then it was conference. woo. The most exciting hour of my life. We did a Christmas quiz which and nothing to do with Christmas and they forced me to look at the faces of UGH, Twerkenstein, and Twig Bitch. Not good. And I needed to pee the entire time! Our team didn't win but we all still got a lollipop so really it was pointless. However I did enjoy the video of a modern nativity where the three wise men followed the star on twitter (laughs to self) So Conference overall was a massive MEH.

After was lunch which left me in a bit of a low mood. First no-one accepted my tissue paper origami, then we got into a conversation which has been playing with my mind ever since. Basically Amy saw someone and it got Siobhan, Jessie and I talking about a recent event which I already said on here was not one I want to relive even though I have the stupid fucking scar. Man I regret that. But anyway...Jessie made a point which I really hope isn't true, but it was one of those things that eat at your brain going "What if?" "What if?" Which has really bummed me out. 

Then I had biology where I was bullied about Jessie's friend sending me random messages on facebook, then I had a fricken test! Think it went ok, but I didn't read a question properly, cause my head wasn't in it from what happened at lunch. However Biology brought me my favourite quote of the day coming from Emily, saying "What would you do if you found out I was a transvestite?" I love Em's random questions. So overall that turns out to be another Meh. 

I'm still really apbfisjbhhggaW about this whole thing from lunch though, I feel like I should just talk about it, but I think if it was true, it wouldn't be admitted, so I'm stuck. Worrying constantly. But I'll get by. 

See you in the 'morrow! I guess. 

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