Thursday 26 December 2013

Boxing Day

So Christmas Day is over, all the gifts handed out, and all the shows watched. But the spirit has not ended. Well for my sister it has for she has to return to work. That is why I spent the day with my Jassums, her mum, Efah and Momo! It was like Christmas but with the extended family. Even  though nothing Christmassy was involved. It didn't even feel like the Christmas season just felt like the odd day. Wore my penguin onesie all day and played My Little Pony on Jessie tablet.

I hope you all got the gifts you wanted, I did!  And I hope you had a magical day. But why is today called Boxing Day? I mean are we supposed to box each other? That's not very Christmassy. Eddie suggested it's cause we spend most of the day in our boxers, but I don't wear boxers, for I am a lady. Does anyone know? If so would you care to share (Ha rhyme).

Well this cheer is over for another year (ha another rhyme) but it shouldn't be, people shouldn't change their ways just for Christmas, they should always give a little, despite it being the time of year where "Christ was born" I use air quote marks, because it is most likely he wasn't born on that day, I'm not saying he was never born, cause I don't know that for sure. Off topic but my point still stands. The Cheer should be constant. 

I guess the next thing to really look forward to is 2014. Wow this year has gone fast. So many good things happened this year. And so many bad things. Hopefully Next Year will be just as Mad and a Little Bit Weird. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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