Tuesday 10 December 2013

Adverts, Songs and Bull Sperm?

What time is it? Blog Time! I'm going to start my blog off a little differently. How? With a fun fact.
Bull sperm is worth more than gold. A little something I learned in biology today. Emily and I had fun talking about how to show your girlfriend how much she means to you, buy her bull sperm. Our teacher 'Quackers' also told us that there is a job where you wank off a bull. She didn't use that exact term. But yeah, aren't you glad you started reading my blog. 

Fun fact number two: for the first 14 days of pregnancy all embryos are female. SO WE ARE SUPERIOR! Man I love biology

NOW onto lunchtime, I listened to xmas songs, ate smarties and skittles. Then my friends and I got into a deep discussion about the skittles advert. You know the one with the guy who can't touch anything without it turning into skittles. We said things like: If he touches a skittle, does it make smaller skittles? He mentions not being able to hold his baby, how did he conceive said baby without touching things? To which Lish responded with he could have masturbated and donated sperm, to which I said what ever he touches turns to Skittles, imagine how that plays out. Then we got into a discussion of whether the skittles magic worked if he touched himself. After this we realised why are we talking about this it is a friggen advert.

Next was double psychology, with Clive, Clark, and Momo We went into E10 where we got magic stars and a maoam. But psychololololology, we had to watch adverts and tally up the amount of time men and women we used, which I could not focus on cause they showed some cool adverts of games I played as a kid, and this doll called Amazing Amy, and I kept thinking about Aims cause she is Amy and is amazing. And then there was this advert for an album of the worst songs ever and I loved them all. This somehow was followed by people calling me childish. And Momo saying I was Artificial? 

Anywho, my final partish of the day. The late bus! It was a really calm trip as I think everyone was tired, so we all listened to music. But Clive and I took it to another level, cause we decided to serenade each other from across the aisle? I don't know what to call the placement. But it was funny cause she kept choosing songs that had dirty meanings to them, and I struggled to find songs that were about love and stuff. but I found some. Like, Ultraviolet, Are you going to be my girl, and I bet that you look good on the dance floor. I can't remember many of hers but Girl all the bad guys want seemed pretty funny. 

So that was my day! It was fun. Yeah so...Yeah. I just realised there was a lot about adverts. Maybe that should be in the title. Cause I always write the title after the post so I could relate it more to what I have written instead of trying to relate the blog to the title. Not that you need to know that.
See you in the 'morrow!

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