Wednesday 18 December 2013

A Day With No Lessons...ish

It is only 9 hours and 44 minutes into the day and I am blogging. I know ridiculous! But my memory has been so bad lately I thought I should get some important points down before I forget them.

So as usual I get woken up at half 6 but never leave the comfort of my bed til about 7. I should have gotten up earlier cause now I HAVE FORGOTTEN THE XMAS PRESSIES FOR MY FRIENDS ARg! Sorry that was in caps but I am really annoyed at myself.

To start off my day I was all alone in the common room. Seriously no one was in there! So I laid down and tried to take a nap when Maddy came in, then Hal returned to the room, and Lish also appeared. It's like Maddy is the bringer of friends. So Hal said she was going to ASDA and asked if I wanted a Terry's Chocolate Orange and as if Lish was psychic she presented an obvious TCO shaped box. After this everyone practically arrived and I got yet more gifts. I got the cutest liddle teacup and saucer from Jassums with yet another Terry's chocolate orange, and Emmi gave me more Blott rubbers, and a keyring of my favourite character from Monsters University. The card she gave me was too cute, it had a picture of me with all of my friends (except Mady) and it looks like I am twerking. Then I had to quickly pack it all away for I had/have private study. Mainly I have been writing up more biology notes. But I have Clive and Lish to distract me. So far we have spoken about our blogs, and how our friend Paige should get one. We've been eating Maoams like rebels. I have been hiding stuff from Clive. She pulled me off my chair because of it and really hurt my knee. Then she apologised for like 5 minutes and I forgave her, and hid more of her things, she got mad but said she forgave me cause I had tiny hands. So I responded with well Small hands bring more pleasure. Now we are seductively eating these sugar things, but I don't like them so I'm just going to make the faces *turns around and pulls face* We pretend they are drugs, cause real drugs are bad. Well not all medical drugs are fine if they make you better. But not other drugs, they are bad and need to go on the naughty step.

Wow this has taken me more then half an hour. Where has the time gone? I'll be back in the next paragraph to tell you more about my day as it comes.

Clive just brutally attacked my nose. 

She just did it again! KILL HER FOR REVENGE!

Clive: "I'm probably going to choke on one of these today, and die" Dirty minded people enjoy!

So after this joyous event I had another two hours of Private study (if you have not guessed I am writing the from memory. It is now 19:33 if you are interested) with Jass and Lish where we just messed around with rubbers from blott. 

Lunchtime I saw RUTHY! Who went to university in Wales so I haven't seen her in ages but she came back for a bit and I was like YAY. She threw grapes at me though :/

Then double media. I say double media, we got there and he said we had to film for our christmas project and me and Jass were all like, but we need her house. So he said we could leave and come back by the end of period 6, so basically I had no lessons today. At Jessie's we realised her mum was redecorating so he went to Efah's and it was great seeing him again cause the last time was over a month ago. We all filmed drank some tea and walked back to school, which felt odd. Then I got on the late bus got home and ate, and now I'm writing this. 

Overall a pretty good day.

See you in the 'morrow!

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