Saturday 30 November 2013

My Little Achievement

So I'm 10 days old (not literally, that would be odd) and I already have 200 page views! Which averages out to about 20 views a day. Some of you are thinking that's nothing, why are you getting all excited over it? And my answer goes thusly, small things please small people. To you it may be fuck all but I'm proud of my little achievement, WOOHOO! Let's through a mini party...
I hope you were all dancing like I was.

So thank you to those who have read through my blogs, however some of the views might just come from people flicking through blogs to find one of interest, to which I say, Thanks for stopping by! 

Sorry this is a short blog, and it's quite early in the day, but I'm busy later and will have no time. Tomorrow's shall  be much more interesting. Thanks again! Love you, but in a casual you seem really awesome not I want to form a relationship cause I hardly know you and that would be really really weird way.


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