Tuesday 3 December 2013

Sleepy Kitty

MAN I needed today. Basically all I did was sleep! What about 6th form Elli? I hear you say in disappointed voices because you built me up to be responsible, pah! Me responsible! But I did actually get a good deal of work done once I finally woke up about 1ish. I had two study periods today and double psychology which I love cause of Clive, Clark and Momo (I know originally it was Gregoravitch but the nickname Momo is easier to type!) However, I never make notes or actually learn anything, so I made more of my time here, all cosy in bed tip-typing away. However I missed my friends a great deal :/

Basically what happened was I was woken at 8 and tried to get up at 8 but couldn't, then just fell right back to sleep. Then I had some weird dreams that were more nice than weird, but still that little bit odd. Woke up, ate some food, then watched Rise of the Guardians then did fuck loads of work, AND IT'S weird dreams. Ugh feel for me guys. 

I just realised how boring this blog is. Umm...so....I'm going to...umm...hmmm... I gots nothing! ARg! So here's a picture of my cat. LOVE HIM! You must all fall in love with the adorableness. He is about 5 years old and we got him when he was 2, so we got stuck with the name Sebastian. Which is a crabs name! I call him bubba, or baby most of the time. HE IS SO FLUFFY, and insanely adorable when he comes and head bumps you, in an I love you love me back kind of way. Cats are just too cute and I want one called Moriarty, named after the character in Sherlock jesus christ how good is Sherlock! 

Hopefully that has made this post that little bit more interesting. Talk tomorrow! 

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