Tuesday 17 December 2013

Small Things Please Small Minds

So today I was abandoned by all but 4 friends. THEY ARE NOW MY ONLY FRIENDS! Nah I kid I still loved all you guys who went to the UEA and I missed you so much. But that didn't stop me having a great day! Mainly because those small weird things made me laugh. Here's what went down:

Started off with a lay in, uhh so good.

Painted my nails, aren't they so pretty
Went to 6th form. 
Hour of Private Study writing up biology notes.
Break with Lish, Clark and Momo, talking about...umm...FUCK it's gone!
Double psychology with Clark and Momo. Did a Christmas quiz, came second YES! And we even wrote down stupid answers saying I was Christmas number 1. 
The prize was a chocolate Santa and Clark and I were discussing who got which half. I said bottom so I could eat Santa's penis. I would have been living the dream!
Ate some sweets in the lesson. CLIVE THE DAIRY MILK GAVE ME A STRIP TEASE!
Watched a film spending about half an hour trying to figure out where I recognised one of the characters. (Luckily Clark leaned forward and said it was Doc from Back to the future.) 
Lunchtime with Momo, Clark and Jassums. 

Momo said he needs a bigger one. Hehehe.
Got xmas pressie, opened them cause I'm such a disgrace.
Got the cutest tigger mug off Momo.

Messed around with the rubbers.
Another hour of private study, more biology notes. 
Then went to my old art class and sat with Jassums. She drew on my face.
Got on late bus with those who abandoned me. (Aims and Clive) 
Walked home with Clive and started walking creepily next to her. 
Became super lazy.

I didn't really die, just thought it made a conclusive ending.
Sorry for getting you all excited thinking there will be no more blogs.
See you in the 'morrow BITCHES! 

(Sorry for calling you bitches, just made sense in my mind)

(Love You xXx)

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