Monday 30 December 2013

The Betrayal

As you may know from my blog on Friday, I have been wanting to ice skating. Well today I went...Kind of. Basically I was invited to go with Emma's second group of friends, which was nice and I knew all of them, but they weren't really my people.As a result of this I took Jessie with me and she brought her friend Tom. 

To start off the day was really wet and windy, so I needed a hat. But I
couldn't find Kevin anywhere, so I wore my sister's Jack Skellington hat. It was really cool, but as you can see I missed Kevin. (Ugh I look terrible). I felt like I was betraying him somehow. Then I got off the bus and met Jessie and Tom in Clinton's for I had to buy my dad a birthday card, and I saw the cutest little tea pot that had macaroons on it, we saw Maddy and her boyfriend just walking around, so we spoke to them for a bit which was nice. Then we spotted these people who were just fabulously dressed, with hats I wanted and crazy coloured clothes so we stalked them and went to Blott. I got two new rubbers. A froggywoggy and an adorable green hedgehog. 

After this we went to meet the others, where another Tom told us he was going to push someone over if I gave him £5 so I agreed but wanted to film it so stood at the side for 15 minutes waiting. Jessie and I did go to Burger King and got served by Aims which was nice, and we ordered some drinks. I hope she blogs about us giving us a fun nickname. Anyway, Tom was too afraid to even go into the middle of the ice rink, so I said if I got on would he and I tried to go on and the guy was like you can't go on until 5 (it was about 4:15 at this point) so I was like fuck that and continued to stand at the side annoying people every time they passed. Jessie and Tom got bored and left, but I was like "I have to wait half hour for a bus so I'll just stay" and I just kind of joined a new friend group for the day. I had a great time, which makes me feel bad cause I kind of betrayed my friends, not saying I preferred my time with them, it was just a nice change. 

So we went to Pizza Hut and I again ordered no pizza, I had some wedges, and they were good. We kept switching seats which annoyed our waiter and Emma and I started fangirlling over Sherlock.  After this we left and walked to a bus stop, well some of the way we were skipping, and Tom was telling me that the bus will be there and I was pretty sure it wouldn't for the last was was 10 minutes previous to the conversation. I was right! 

Emma's mum agreed to take us home for she had one of those 6 seated cars, but we had to go get picked up at the Vue, so obviously I ran across the road almost getting hit by a bus to get there. And we just sat on a wall waiting for Em's mum. We had some great conversations though, like how Tom was in the middle of two girls and I was like, what is the girl behind him doing? Cause think about it, what would she do?  There was also some confusion cause I gave Tom some money for attempting to push someone over and every time we mentioned it, it sounded like I paid him for sex, and it just got awkward. 

So Emma's mum arrived and one by one took us home. It was a good day. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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