Sunday 29 December 2013

The Fault in Our Stars

Recently I have been reading The Fault in our Stars by John Green, and I have finished, so I thought for a change I shall write a review. I'm terrible at writing about my opinions of things like this in enough detail to make it readable, but here goes.

So my sister suggested I read this book, and she said it was amazing, and she is not one to find many things amazing so I thought I would give it a read, for I was waiting for the last book in a collection I was reading. It took me three attempts to read it because at first I just couldn't get into the story, I have no idea why at first it just didn't really interest me as a book, I thought it was a bit, not slow, just a bit too I don't know the word. See I told you I was bad at this. 

But pure boredom took over and I decided to read more, and I couldn't put the book down at first, I read half the book in like 2 hours, and it was good. I didn't think it was brilliant like people were telling me, and the fact the main guy character was called Augustus really bugged me, it made me feel like any minute we were going to head over to a chocolate factory and see Willy Wonka. 

That, however, did not distract me too much from the storyline. The whole idea of the realism of cancer patients was just beautiful, cause it made you understand fully what people go threw and opens your eyes to the world. It made me feel bad for those who suffer from conditions like those in this book, and made me grateful that the people I know are healthy. Well not everyone I know but I'm not going to get into that. 

The book itself was well written and after the beginning I was hooked, some of the events were predictable and some just out of the blue, which I feel makes a good book, cause you want to feel included enough that you can see what is going to happen, but not so much it spoils it for you. I suggest if you are into beautiful (really the only way to describe it) books that are real and a slight bit depressing, then read it. And read it before the film comes out cause I think you will be more absorbed in the world when it's in writing. 

I can tell you this is a good book because it shamefully made me cry a little bit, and I have only ever cried at one other book, and that is when I was eleven and the book was about this girls older sister dying and I was all, what if that was my sister...Luckily it wasn't a full on snotty nose, puffy face experience, but there were a few tears cause just the way it was put together just made me feel like I was part of the book. 

So if you have free time, do read this book. But only if you think it is your cup of tea. Speaking of tea I'm quite thirsty, so I guess all that is left to say is...See you in the 'morrow!

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