Saturday 7 December 2013

Elf Yourself

HEY! Not much happened today, all I did was sleep, eat, and watch Mama, and that doesn't make a good blog. So I'm going to do what I always do, steal ideas from my friends blogs...Scrolls through friends posts...umm...ok looks like I'm going to have to talk about a certain event coming up in a few weeks. That being Christmas.

Now that I'm older I'm not too fond of Christmas anymore, the magic has gone and I'm not too bothered about getting presents. Giving presents is also really stressful as I don't have a lot of money to spend. I just want Christmas to go so I can move onto better things like Pancake Day!

My main hatred of Christmas is how people have gotten all about the gifts, like I want this and I want that, getting like 20 gifts. I mean that isn't what Christmas is about, it's about family and being together, well actually it is about the birth of Christ, but my point still stands. Some are not that fortunate to get loads of gifts, but they tend to have people who care for them with them at that time, and that is more important. Whoa that was some deep stuff coming from me. Moving on...

...There are some Christmassy things I enjoy, like some of the songs, and little traditions, but I have fallen in love with what is the greatest creation of all. ELF YOUSELF. If you have not done one yet do it now I am obsessed. I have made five trying to include all my friends and uploaded them to my youtube channel. They are just brilliant. Basically, Elf yourself is when you upload a picture of yourself and they stick it onto a little dancing elf, you can include friends probably animals, and even photo-shopped pictures that are just amazing! If you watched the ones I made then you can see the hilarious one of my friend Amy which made Claire and I laugh for ages when we first saw it, I even started to cry! It is seriously a great way to get into the Christmas spirit and embarrass your friends, even family.

So that was that. I guess have a good Christmas, Hanukkah or any other holiday you celebrate, and if you do not celebrate Christmas just enjoy your day I guess

See you in the 'morrow!

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