Friday 20 December 2013

Day of Specialness

Today is special for two reasons: the first being it was the last day of term. YAY. No more school for two weeks. The other is that I am one month old! Well done me for actually posting everyday for 31 days. It was worth it cause now I have 743 page-views, which is like 23 views per day. AMAZED! I mean page-views doesn't guarantee you have read the blog posts, but still. 743!

So onto the events of my actual day. It begins with sitting in the common room, with Hal and Clark, when Jan walks in and asks how to work a CD player. It turns out she forgot to press play. Then we watched her dance. Then ate some magic stars y friends gave me. 

Had double psychology with Momo, Clive and Clark, where we did this quiz and Clive and Clark abandoned me, but I didn't care cause I had Megan and we did well. Then we watched a Derren Brown video about guilt. Which was pretty adorable and funny. I liked how every single girl in the room awwed when the guy cried cause he thought he murdered someone and the guys were like, I don't care. And we got a fuck load of sweets and chocolate.

Then we had an extended break, where free food was given out, and Clive gave me her doughnut,but she had two burgers it was fine. Then pretty much we all just had a sing song. Me and Clive swaying to Fairytale of New York.

Next up media, where Jass and I worked on our Christmas pieces trying to figure out how to edit the audio. We figured it out after 15 minutes. Then I, being kind, gave people some malteasers. It was a good lesson even though we did work.

After this was the christmas assembly where the "reflection" almost sent me to sleep on Jassums shoulder, and THEY CHANGED THE XMAS SONG. We were outraged. But me and Jass still sang, in monotone, so festive. Then I got bored so started singing it in different accents. 

My memory after this failed me, I promised Jessie the other day I would go over to hers at the end of the day cause we had a half day. But this morning I told Clive I would get the bus with her, then in Media I still agreed to go with Jass. I also stole Clive's Santa hat. So after the assembly I tried looking for her to give her the hat back, then got distracted and left. I felt awful :/ But at Jassums I had fun. I was with Momo and Connor as well and we went into ASDA and looked through the women's clothing, holding it up to Giancarlo and being all Hmm...I think this would suit you, then we started getting weirder, Jessie held up a baby grow, and I held up a toddler dress. In fairness they did suit him. 

At Jessie's we had some tea, as in the drink,  played some Fable 2, pouring pints cause I like the comments you get like "ooh that's a lovely pint" and "look at that foam" hilarious. Then we played grand theft auto were I crashed a plane, drove of a cliff, got eaten by a shark, and began sniping people, the wondered why the policed chased me. Giancarlo was so much better though, in under a minute he got out the grenade launcher and hit a car with it, that he was standing right next to, so obviously he died. 

After this I walked to the bus stop with Connor and Sherlock Momes, went passed Scott's house and saw his light was on so I texted him to come to the window. But he didn't so they told me he wasn't in cause he didn't answer when I called. However this angered me more cause his light and his Tv were on and this was frustrating, so after 10 minutes of looking suspicious Momo knocked on the door, AND HE WAS THERE. He went to go get a jacket and returned to Momo jiggling. So we all went to the bus stop and the bus took forever, then when it did show up it just drove straight passed, so another half an hour wait for me. Connor pissed me off saying I should get another bus to a closer stop, BUT I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY! AND THE BUS STOPS AREN'T THE RIGHT ONES ARG. He wanted me to get on a Sheringham bus and I'm like fuck that shit, that will get me NO-WHERE, but Sherringham, and I don't live in Sheringham. UGH. But I gots on the bus in the end and got home to a delicious pizza. YUMMY.

See you in the 'morrow my lovely pals, and chums! 

Ok that seemed so weird, umm yeah... :)

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