Sunday 15 December 2013

Socialising in the Wild

So I wrote this out yesterday thinking I was going to post it on that day, but if you read my blog yesterday you will know that I didn't cause I wanted to use pictures that my friends had but I couldn't cause I couldn't get them yaddayaddayadda... So I have to options, spend the next however long it will take to read through the post and change everything to make logical sense or be lazy and write out a paragraph to tell you to pretend you are reading this as if it was posted yesterday. Well I'm going for the lazy option. Enjoy!

"Today, today was good. Great even. For I actually had a social life outside of school! So yesterday afternoonish Clive told me  she was going to the city with Lish and I said I might go depending on my mood in the morning and I actually went! Glad I did too. Want to know why? I know you don't but I'm going to say anyway.

First we went to Burger King to see the Burger Queen Amy, she served us! It was adorable. Then we established that Lish was cute, Claire was awkward and I was sexy, cause I was being all seductive when drinking. Then I saw Scott who I haven't seen since July and it was weird. After
that Lish was a hostage in the post office. We went to Primark and saw 3 people I knew first James who works there and was handing out sweets to people waiting in the ridiculously long queues which we stood in cause I bought me a joomper, where we were served by Jamie. But whilst in the queue we saw Jassums with her mum, it was so weird. Next we went to Chaplefeld, and went in BLOTT! Who doesn't love Blott, I do! I got me some rubbers, Claire got me some rubbers Claire got Claire so rubbers, Claire got Lish some rubbers and Lish got Lish some rubbers. So we all got some rubbers. Look at the ones I got.

Aren't they 
so adorable. Seriously when I was looking at them I started talking in squeals of random syllables rather than actual words. But look at them how could you not. I bought three and I got four stamps for them cause the lady who served me was just so cute, she was like my best friend. We were talking about how the blue and red hedgehogs reminded her of Sonic and Knuckles, she was pretty cool.  We even discovered you can take them apart so obviously we switched the heads to create new adorable creatures. These were my creations


The Koaceros and the Rhinola. SO DAMN CUTE!

Next was Superdrug where me and Clive bought the biggest tube of smarties and I was so excited, we went up to the food court to eat them thinking they were loose inside, but they were just smaller packets, which was convenient but less fun. Then we just took pictures. After chaplefield was Savers where I almost walked into specsavers cause I read the savers part and thought Yep we're here! Well done Elli. And in Savers we saw Emma! 

Then we got on the bus
fell off the chair and just sat on the floor like a weirdo and we took some more pictures. Saw Carig and laughed about how people in HMV wouldn't sell him a DVD cause they thought he was 14. Then I went home." 

In other news painted my nails. They have died by the time I took a picture, and I managed to get it all over my fingers, my dress and even in my hair! So that was my day. You? You wont answer but I'm being polite.

See you in the 'morrow!

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