Saturday 28 December 2013

Indulging in a Fictional World

Well today has been a hoot and a half. She says super sarcastically. All I did was sleep, eat and watch Big Fat Quiz of the Year (which was hilarious as always) then watched some MangaMinx on the tube of you. But as you might of guessed this really doesn't make a good read so I guess I'm going to have to think of something...Ugh thinking, such a chore! 

Today I guess I am going to talk about something that happens to me a lot. This being indulging myself in a fictional world

So basically whenever I am bored or hating my life I get obsessed with the lives of others, or just something I cannot be apart of. Usually this is dreamland. For example I had this really good dream when I was going through a rough time so I would ever sleep more trying to be apart of that dream or just day dream a lot to make it seem more real. It's sad I know but it made me feel a lot better, until I realised it was all pretend. 

After this I guess it is youtube land. Again when I am bored or down I just watch a ton of youtube and long to be part of that world. Sometimes I just watch videos non-stop, for example last night I stayed up until four in the morning watching Smosh Games' Game Bang, I loved them, and then formed this really creepy obsession with one of the guys in it. I've done this before when I first found PewDiePie, I would watch a ton of his vids non stop and formed a crazy obsession with him, moved on to Anthony from Smosh, Cryaotic, Yamimash, Dan from danisnotonfire, Phil from AmazingPhil, then back to Dan, a bit of Yami, Ohmwrecker, and now Sohinki from Smosh Games. It gets ridiculous. 

Then it has to be game land. I got really obsessed with the world of Animal Crossing I started going on Youtube to look at clips from it and found a movie, which I watched it immediately and have watched it about 6 times since. Then the Sims, I would play it non-stop making up stories that were way better than reality. 

Only for a bit I was indulged in book land. Specifically the Morganville vampire series. I had read 10 of the books and were waiting for the next ones my mum ordered and couldn't wait so google searched it and looked up everything I could, becoming obsessed with videos people made about who could play the characters in a Tv Series (Some I completely disagreed with) and reading extras on the website, and fangirlling about how they are going to make a webisode. Now I have read 14/15 books and am going to start the last one once I have finished The Fault in our Stars, cause I can't read more than one book at a time. But yeah I got pretty into the book.

This all makes me sound super sad, and possibly the start of me becoming a crazy cat lady. I do love cats though. They are so cute and cuddly and I just love snuggling up with my Sebba cause he is so fluffy and soft and...I'm getting carried away. But I can't help getting obsessed, it's just what I do, so I guess it makes my life a little more interesting. No it really doesn't. Oh Well.

See you in the 'morrow!

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