FIRST UP! We had double psychology. We? Were they there Elli? Well Claire says she reads my blog and she's in my psychology class, so now she can feel more included. Ok? But yeah double psychology, with Clive and Clark, just skipping along the corridor (well only I did, Clive wouldn't even groove with me) Other than the fact Clark and I became Clive's parents I remember nothing else about psychology.
Next there was double media with Jassums, where we continued working on our representation of Christmas piece. Then we just spoke to sir about how Jessie lives far away. My memory of the events of today are not very good. I am ashamed.
Then I just had a single biology, with Miss Bingham. Cause Biology was only an hour I had to wait another 60 minutes for the late bus. Luckily I wasn't alone. For the first half an hourish I was with Emily and we decided to look at our previous facebook posts. Mine were strange, there was a relationship post from 2009 and I couldn't remember who it was. Others were just nice cause it brought back memories I had forgotten about. Then the last half an hourish was with Aims, and we sat in the shelter and spoke about how we missed it and the memories we had in high school :') Then we got on the late bus, and these people at the back were "singing" christmas songs and it was so annoying we put our headphones in and listened to music on full volume.
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