Wednesday 4 December 2013

Confusion of Time

Hey guys! (Even though there is probably no-one there) You'll be pleased to hear I actually went to 6th form today, YAY! I saw my friends which was nice cause they make me laugh with Jassums "Stairs are for Chumps", which I almost wrote out as "Chairs are for Stumps",  well done Elli, A* (you can't get A*'s in this situation) Then I must be super special

So today I have had four hours of private study, UGH. for the first 3 hours I actually did some work, with the odd little distraction, but in the fourth I was finished and bored, so I actually wrote out this section of the blog, but pretended I am writing it later but have only just realised that was pointless as I have just told you I am writing it now. Anyone else confuzzled? 
In my first two hours I was with Lish and Clive, and not a lot happened. I say that, Clive said hey and showed me her Ghostbuster socks she had on and was extremely happy about. Then whilst I was doing media work we had the best mini conversation. It went thusly...
Me: "So he looks sexy cause he has his arms like.."(recreates the image) "...come at me bro."
Clive: "How is saying come at me bro sexy? It's should be more like, come in me bro."
Me: "That's how you get pregnant." 
We are so weird aren't we? 
Then the next two hours I am/was with Lish (yes we have been in study for four hours together, we are now legally married!) and my Jassums. But we are all tip-typing away doing our separate thing, (well Lish and I are blogging) and it is an awkward silence. So yeah I'm blogging because I am that bored. But the day is not over so I am going to return at my usual time to write about stuff that will happen in the future, ooooh! However, for future me it will be the past. That is fascinating. Who doesn't love time travel, even though technically I am not getting there immediately, it will be like another 7 hours for me, but for you it will be like. Wow she wrote this bit at 12:28 and the rest at what ever time I write it later. (Sorry for my rambles of confusion) But that reminds me, because this is an American site, and I am in England it looks like I write this blog at ridiculous o'clock, which I don't! Ok sometimes I do but that is not the point I am trying to make here! ARg! I'm frustrated now so shall return in several hours, or for you the next paragraph.

BOOM I have returned at 19:52! MAGIC! Not much happened during the rest of my day, had one hour of media with Jass then followed by another hour just sitting around with Jass waiting for the late bus, got on the late bus and was sooooo bored got home watched tv and now I'm blogging again. But it's all one post, oooooh. Sorry this was boring but I wanted to continue with the time travel idea, cause I'm a time lord. Not really, would love to be though. 

So yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

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