Monday 23 December 2013

The Would You Rather of Christmas

It is the Eve of Christmas Eve, and that can only mean one thing. CHRISTMAS WOULD YOU RATHER. So I found this thing on the tinterweb of a Christmas themed would you rather and thought that looked fun. But in fairness I have nothing else to blog about. So here goes:

Would you rather have to loudly sing the chorus of Jingle Bells every time you walk into a room for a week or have to wear a Santa suit to school for a week?
Sing Jingle Bells, cause one it will annoy people, and two not many people are in the rooms I go into.

Would you rather make presents for your family or make ornaments for your Christmas tree?
Both seem fun, but I'd rather make the ornaments cause then if they look bad it would be better than giving my family crap looking gifts.

Would you rather not celebrate Christmas this year, or not celebrate you birthday?
Umm probably not celebrate my birthday cause at Christmas everyone gets gifts and not just me.

Would you rather have Frosty the Snowman as a friends or Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
Frosty, cause from the film Jack Frost he would seem so much more fun.

Would you rather have mistletoe hanging in you bedroom doorway or a large decorated Christmas tree? 
Probably the mistletoe cause no-one comes near my bedroom anyway.

Would you rather have a Christmas tree tinsel for hair or have fingernails that light up like Christmas lights?
Lit up fingernails, cause they would look awesome.

Would you rather be at home and get lots of presents or be at Disney land and get no presents?
DISNEYLAND. There is no question.

Would you rather live in a giant gingerbread house or ride on the polar express?
I'd live in a fucking Gingerbread house.

Would you rather have a nose that glows red like Rudolf or have pointy elf ears?
Pointy Elf ears. A glowing nose would distract from my adorable freckles.

Would you rather be given £100 to buy gifts for yourself or £1000 to buy gifts for others?
Definitely the gifts for others, cause I'd rather put a smile on their beautiful faces.

Would you rather be one of Santa's Elves or be one of Santa's Reindeer?
Well I'm small so I guess Elf, but I don't think my tiny hands will be of much use.

So that's all for the festive would you rather. Hope you liked it.

See you in the 'morrow!

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