Tuesday 4 February 2014

Bucking Up Ideas

So yesterday I got home early from 6th Form and whilst lying on the sofa I took a four hour nap, instead of doing my biology work. This is when I thought to myself "Elli, what the fuck are you doing?" I have such deep thoughts don't I? Don't worry cause in the end I got the work done, but the whole concept got me thinking. Something about my attitude needs to change. Now. Cause this is probably two of the most important years of my life and I shouldn't throw it away. I need to buck up my ideas.

Therefore I am making plans and lists, which I am actually going to stick to. In fact I am making New Years Resolutions two months into the friggen year. Yeah take that logic. But I am going to decide what I want to accomplish each day that will actually improve my life. Cause right now it's just: Wake up. Go to 6th Form. Eat. Play MLP. Blog. Youtube. Sleep. And that my chums isn't very productive. So to the list somewhere I am adding in small tasks that I want to do. For example revision, cause I need to think about grades, and I don't do enough revision outside of 6th form. I need to start reading more cause I love reading. I need to actually start my Youtube channel and make videos and things so I can prove I can accomplish something. I need to do exercise cause I hate my lump of a body. And I need to think more about what I eat.

This all seems like a lot and I am pretty sure after a month or so my plans are going to go flying out of the window like a paper plane on speed. I have no idea what when on with that simile. If you haven't guessed already I just write whatever pops into my head. But I digress. My attitude towards life needs to change. Cause I'm 16 years old and I only have one certain future plan, which is when I am 18 I am getting tested for HD. But what then? What will I do for a job, for money? Will I go to Uni, or will I just stay at home? Where will I live, and who will I live with? It's all so much. 

My main plan though is to stop procrastinating with work. There will be no more I'll do it tomorrow or later or whatever. Schoolwork comes first. Then it will be all the other random crap. I also want to start being more social with friends, gain more memories and such. Cause it recently hit me that after 6th form we are kind of going our separate ways. I mean I see the way my sister and her friends have kind of drifted apart and I don't want that with the rag tag group of awesomeness I know. I just don't want change. Elli you do realise you just wrote that in a blog about how you want to change. Well mind, they are two different things. They aren't. Well um ok but I want to change things that will improve my life and separation from my friends wont improve that, so HA! Seriously what is wrong with me? 

But don't worry though these changes wont mean I am going to stop blogging! Unless that is secretly what you have been wanting all along. I mean no-one really reads this, and those few people are probably bored of me. Maybe I should stop. Then people will be happy. Then I can spend Blog time revising. Nah. I can't give up my blog even if no-one ever reads it again. I like writing things down a lot, for I have said many times this is like therapy for me. And we all know I need help. So I guess you are going to have to put up with me for as long as you read this blog. See you in the 'morrow!

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