Wednesday 26 February 2014

Mind Conversations

MOCKS CONTINUE!!! If you haven't guessed I had another mock today. It was Media Studies, which was my final mock of this week so I was looking forward to it. The exam wasn't until 1:50 so this meant I had the luxury of staying in bed until about 10 o'clock.

This meant I got to watch some TV before I left. I watched me some Pramface. It was a good episode but I feel it is kind of going downhill over the series'. Yeah. So after this I got ready. It was superduper sunny today, so I thought, "No I'm not going to wear my coat, I'm going to wear my jacket." This was a mistake. Not that it was cold as soon as I left the house, if anything I was still too hot, but I missed my Anti-social hood. I would wear my hood most of the time, even when it wasn't raining because it made me feel like I didn't have to acknowledge anyone. I know I'm such a delight. But it's true, I felt really weird without it.

Nonetheless I went to school and found the Triplets in the common room, we started talking about mocks and sleeping habits. Then we talked about how my headphones have a flat wire then somehow one of the nubby bits (what are they actually called?) somehow fell off and traveled halfway across the room. It was weird. Then Jassums arrived and we spoke more about mocks. Then I ate an apple which for some unknown reason the 6th form has supplied. It was cute and tiny. Apparently we get cake on Friday. I love cake. 

So Jessie and I headed off to the 21/2 hour exam! It was way too long. I finished with half an hour to spare and kept looking at the woman holding us hostage having mind conversations so that she could let us leave earlier. In my mind I was saying "Judy" yes I named her Judy "Judy please just let me leave in the next 5 minutes cause then I can go and catch the next bus and be home by 5, come on Judy. I know you don't want to do this cause you still have to stay here and this is your revenge but please Judy. Judy look at me!" She then looks at me and I'm like crap Judy don't look at me. So I sat there having my mind conversation and I was allowed to leave missing the bus I had wanted to get. This meant I had to wait outside in the friggen cold for 20 minutes! Good thing I wasn't alone. For I had a douche to keep me company. Man I really wanted my coat. So I got home gone 5 and was incredibly cold. FUCK THE COLD! 

Today I found out that we don't get the results of the mocks until the 19th of March. That's too far away. I gots to know now! So enjoy me being all depressed, cause I am constantly worrying about how well I did, until then. See you in the 'morrow!

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