Thursday 13 February 2014

My "Blissful" Two Hour Day

HELLO! Today was my blissful two hour day. Which I love cause pretty much all my friends apart from Jessie and Maddy, have to be in school while we chill at home. So I woke up early got ready and went to 6th form. Still as Giancarlo Balbido. Don't worry we swapped back when we saw each other. No-one notice that my ID was a picture of a man though. Maybe they are trying to tell me something. Had two hours of biology where we did revision and played with the guinea pigs. After this Jessie met me in the common room and we went back to her house to do some Media filming.

On the way we stopped off at ASDA where her friend Matt offered us free roses. We refused cause we don't do Valentine's day. However after I wanted to take one to beat people with it. The crazy delusional Valentine's obsessed people. And before you ask I don't hate Valentine's day cause I have never had a Valentine's cause I have. Last year my boyfriend bugged me about this "holiday" and I got frustrated cause it is just a cringe fest and I can't be dealing with that.

So we got to Jass's house and we put the camera on charge cause if not it wouldn't work, and we played on her tablet. We found various versions of Flappy Bird, which are way better than the original. First we found Flappy Doge which is a little messed up, then the best game ever Flappy...AH what the fuck was it called! But it has the cutest little pixel pirate cat I ever did saw. I still fail at the game, can't get passed 3, I think it's my short attention span.

Then we did some filming outside in the cold then inside in the warm. Some of the scenes took multiples takes cause Jessie would make funny faces or I would just fail at working the camera. but we finished the scenes we had planned so decided to muck about on GTA and just chill until it was time for me to head back to school to get the late bus. 

On the bus was just weird, I was just listening to my music all casual when Claire went and spoke to Tom Harvey, and I went to Amy "What's happening?" and she said it was something to do with me. WHAT? I wasn't even there most of today! Apparently I had been slagging Claire off which is bullshit, so I went over to Tom to ask what the fuck was happening. And he explained he was just trying to make her paranoid, and I was like don't fucking bring me into it! Cause Claire started to think my conversation with Lish at Breaktime was about her when it wasn't it was about something else entirely. On the other hand, Tom well done you got her paranoid. 

That was pretty much my day. I am not looking forward to tomorrow. Cause Valentine's day sucks. However it marks the fact I am going to be 17 in two months, and it is also Aims's half birthday. See you in the 'morrow! I guess.

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