Sunday 23 February 2014

Home Celebration!

Happy Birthday Momo! Not that Giancarlo will read this, but still, it was said in spirit. So if you had not guessed today was Momo's birthday and some of us celebrated at his house with games pizza and spaghetti. It was pretty cool.

So it started off with Jessie, Eddie, Momo and I playing Mario kart. And Shockingly I actually won a game. Then the triplets arrived and the Mario Kart continued. I started rage quitting. It was a great. Then we finished to go eat food. Whilst we ate Connor and Scott arrived. 

After the food was eaten we went back into the room of living and played Mafia. Where we failed a lot because people kept giving themselves away. At some point the Mafia started suicide missioning as well which was pretty funny. Then after a lot of playing Mafia we played some Uno. We only played one game which Jessie won. This game however went on for ages. There was a lot of being mean to people by placing down plus 2's and 4's. Luckily friendships were not broken. 

Following the card games we returned to the Wii. Playing Just Dance 3. It was pretty funny, cause we got the guys to dance to Lollipop by Mika, and they looked fantabulous.  Also Connor dancing to Katy Perry's ET has returned for a second year. Again I have filmed it and will probably place it on the youtube as and when I can be bothered. The triplets left after this, so Giancarlo started playing Alice Madness. Whilst I was being pushed off chairs, so I spent most of my time just flailing on the floor.

It was here I found a DVD of a school project from year 9 which Scott, Giancarlo, some other people, and I made, so we watched it. It was pretty good up until the point where I saw my blonde streaks. BLAH. They were disgusting looking back at it. *Shivers*. Then after this we left cause it was getting late. 

That was pretty much my day. See you guys in the 'morrow! If the mocks don't stress me out so much I rage quit life. 

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