Monday 3 February 2014

The Magnificent 7- Colours

Yes you read that correctly. Today's blog post is going to be about my top seven colours. I'm not going into certain shades, or things like mauve, what the fuck is mauve? but still I want to be out there, and the only way to do that is to try and make writing about colours interesting.

7. To start us off at number 7 we have Green. I hate the colour green that I am forced to use here, but none the less. Green is made using my favourite colour so it can't be all bad. The only reason green is here though is cause I kind of ran out of colours. I mean there is Pink, Brown, and Grey but they are worse. I should like Brown though for it is my last name and my eye colour. Green eyes are pretty though. I like Green and Brown together, it reminds me of trees and I like trees. TREES!

6. Moving on to umm, Red. Not like a bright red, however on occasion I can like that. But I'm talking more of blood red and cherry red, cause there is something sexy about it. Yes I just said sexy, I need serious help. I mainly like red cause it reminds me of food I like, for examples apples, strawberries and jam ooh jam. But blood has to be the best, when you see it splattered on walls in a horror film, or congealed in a pool around a corpse. Ok I'm going to stop cause I sound like I have serious problems.

5. Ok next is going to be Yellow. It is so bright like sunshine she says in that really creepy child voice. Yellow is so common and adorable, I always associate it with happy people, cause of the smiley faces, and probably creepy baby sun from Teletubies. Sometimes though yellow can be a pain cause depending on the colour background it can be hard to see, so I just want to shoot it in the face, if it had a face. Also I look terrible in yellow. But Spongebob is yellow, and the Simpsons, so how could you not hate yellow.  

4. Going on to some really dark colours, Black. Yes black counts as a colour. Black like the night, like raven's like umm... a black crayon. However they always turn out a weird greeny grey colour. I love black jeans cause they tend to look slimming, and they go with anything. Black goes with all colours pretty much and that is why it is amazing. Also black cats and Labradors  are so cute. Most traditional hats tend to be black as well so that is why it is supreme. 

3. Number 3 has to be (ha rhyme) Purple. Aww purple doesn't rhyme with anything, actually neither does orange. Nurple! that isn't a word. :'( Purple is just a really pretty colour, mainly the deep pruples like Violet cause they are gorgeous (Yes I called a colour gorgeous) and those bluey purples are too die for.  It is my mum's favourite colour so I probably got my like for it from her. I really want those eyes I read about this girl having, cause they were purple and they look super pretty, maybe I could just buy coloured contacts though. Hmm... but you got to admit purple is a nice colour. Look at it. Really look.

2. Well I write in this colour mainly so Orange was a pretty obvious number 2. Ha number 2. No Elli just no. I tend to feel bad for orange cause no-one really likes it, and it is underused. How can you not like the colour orange? It is the colour of oranges, and oranges are pretty amazing, also orange smarties taste way better than the others. People really need to start liking orange more, I mean it's cute and bright and have I already mentioned it is the colour of oranges! 

1. As you probably know my favourite colour is Blue. Why because it is brilliant. Not light blue or shit like that but a nice electric blue or something verging on to Indigo. Blue is supposed to be related to sadness, why? Nothing makes me happier then a nice blue. I'm planning on dying my hair blue at some point, it will probably look ridiculous but it will be blue! BLUE! I don't know why blue is associated with boys, maybe that's why I like it, not cause I want to be a boy, but because I want to be all rebellious liking a colour that I cannot have. I don't want pink! Pink sucks! 

Well that was not interesting at all. And the fact the there is no order to the colours kills the little OCD kid inside me (WHOA that did not sound good) Anyway, see you in the 'morrow with something way more interesting.

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