Wednesday 12 February 2014

The Day After Yesterday

So it's the day after Yesterday, and I hope you are happy to hear I am feeling a lot better. However, I am incredibly tired. I even got a lot of sleep last night so I don't know why I feel so (I was about to say dehydrated, that's how tired I am! I became thirsty) but yeah. I think it was because of Amy and Lish being all "I'm so tired" and practically falling asleep next to me.

Anywho, my day went thusly. I love that word. I woke up at 7 and got ready for school. Then two buses turned up at the bus stop and I was like Whoa! So I got on the first one and couldn't see Emma (and she is usually on the bus today) so I assumed she was on the other bus, which I thought would be funny. It turns out she wasn't on either so thanks for that Em.  

Today was my married to Lish day. 4 wonderful hours of private study, with the extras of course. For the first two hours there was Claire and Aims. I sat in the corner next to Amy trying to complete Biology homework, but I didn't really understand it. And Amy was failing with her maths homework. However I managed to rearrange an equation for her and get it right so YAY ME! It was a kind of uneventful couple of hours, and it felt like most of the day, every 5 minutes though Amy was like "what am I doing?" which entertained me cause she was doing the exact same thing the whole time. Claire took my phone and texted Tom Harvey saying how I thought he was sexy. So obviously I twisted this around so now he thinks Claire thinks he is sexy. 

Next was break and I sat with the gang and we were talking about the upcoming Valentine's day. Ugh. Then I went back to private study with Lish and Jessie. There was a slight Bitch Battle between invisible Claire and Jamie which got really funny. However that was pretty much it, apart from everyone ganging up on me stealing my stuff and typing on my keyboard. THANKS GUYS! 

Lunchtime! Which wasn't good cause Emily and I had to go to this meeting where they moaned at us for being failure's. Ok I get it I got a D but please leave me alone! When I got back I was greeted by Momo and Jass and we just sat in the common room. Jass and I were pissing off Giancarlo by undoing his coat buttons, then we all swapped ID badges. I became Jessie, She became Giancarlo and Giancarlo was me. Then he walked off to biology still wearing my ID, so Jass and I just went to media. 

We were meant to have a lesson p6 but our teacher was ill so we went to the common room trekking through the terrible weather which Jessie describes as a handful of nope. In the common de room we spoke to George on Facebook, and saying how weird it was without him and that we need to meet up and hang out. Cause we do. Then Jessie gave me Giancarlo's ID assuming I would see him and then braved the weather outside. So I got on the teeny tiny late bus and went home. As Giancarlo Balbido.

That was pretty much my day. See you in the 'morrow!

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