Saturday 22 February 2014

You Are Going To Love Me...

Guys! Guys, hey! You are going to love me. Want to know why? Cause I am answering yet more questions. I know, I know. How can there be any more questions left in the world, have you not answered them all? Well it turns out the lovely Lishill made a blog post yesterday with questions I haven't answered, so I am stealing this idea off her. Cause that's what friends do. Here goes. 

1. Do you have any regrets? Yes I have many regrets.
2. Do you have a deep, dark secret? I wouldn't call them deep and dark but I have some secrets.
3. Have you ever hurt someone? Unfortunately yes. It's one of my regrets.
4. Have you ever self-harmed? I'm going to be honest. I have. I don't recommend it.
5. How would you like to be remembered? The weirdest person of the land.
6. Who are the three most important people in your life? Mum, Jessie and Hal. I feel mean not mentioning others. Pretty much everyone is important to me.
7. Was there one event that changed your life and the way you think? Yes.
8. Would you sacrifice everything for love? Probably not, cause if it will be, it will be so there is no need to ruin everything else.
9. Are you afraid of dying? No. Everybody dies, it is a well known fact. If you spend each day afraid you are going to die you are not living well. 
10. Have you ever been abused? I'm lucky to say I haven't
11. Have you ever been in love? No.
12. Are you happy with who you are? Meh, there are many aspects to my life I would like to improve. But then there are some parts I just wouldn't change for the world.
13. Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s? Yes. Always. They will probably put their life to greater use than I ever would.
14. Have you changed at all in the last year? Yes I have changed a lot.
15. Would you ever settle for someone you didn't feel was “the one”? I'm afraid to say I have already done this and that didn't work out to well, so I don't think I will do that again. Hopefully I wont need to.
16. Is there someone you can tell everything to without fear of judgement? Yes, Jessie.
17. Are you pursuing your dreams? Not really. 
18. Do actions speak louder than words? Yeah.
19. Is there something you would never do? There is. 
20. What makes you uncomfortable? Talking face to face about feelings. 

Well wasn't that exciting? No? Well I'm sorry ok! My life can't be 100% interesting everyday. I have to do things like question tags, or reviews, or whatever else the fuck I do to distract you guys from the fact I don't have that great a life. Tomorrow should be more interesting I promise. For I am socialising. I know shock horror. So look forward to that. See you in the 'morrow!

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