Thursday 6 February 2014


HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY! How you doin'? Yeah I'm not going to get an answer. So I'm just going to talk about Frozen, cause I have literally just finished watching it. So as it was recently released I understand not many people have seen it so don't read if you don't want spoilers, and if that isn't clear.


So there has been a lot of hype about this film, many people saying it was amazing. Therefore I wanted to watch it. However, my sister watched it online and said it was bad. I admit Hal is kind of a harsh critic but most of the time she is right about these things. Hence when I watched it I thought it was going to be terrible. However I shall admit it wasn't that bad. I would watch it again if it was ever on TV, but I don't think I'd request it, and beg to watch it all the time.

First off I loved the character Olaf cause he was a bit funny. When he acts as though being impaled is just a casual thing, which is probably how I'd react. I also like Anna cause she reminds me of me. Especially the bit at the beginning when she is outside her sister's door wanting to play with her, cause that is exactly how I was with Hariette. (Stop telling me the spelling of her name is wrong computer! I know how to spell my own sister's name! ARg) Anywho so I really related to her character.

Moving on, I felt the story-line was a little predictable, like I knew that Hans would be evil so wouldn't be her true love and it would end up being Kristoff. So knowing that spoiled it a little bit for me. 

Now onto the songs. I already heard some from adverts and stuff and I didn't think it was there best work. Disney you can do better than this. However I did enjoy the song about Reindeer's being better than people. And not just because I had Giancarlo sing it to me the other day. Even thought the songs weren't amazing they are still pretty catchy and I have Let It Go in my head and probably will for the next half an hour.

So overall I feel it wasn't a waste of my time, but I wouldn't have paid to go see it. I didn't by the way I watched it on the Tinterweb. Anywho...Considering I am 16 I think that is part of the reason I wasn't part of the hype. However sometimes I feel I enjoy kids films more than kids do. But back to the point. I wouldn't suggest people don't watch it, cause I think it really depends and I can see some people loving it. So really it all depends if you want to use those 94 minutes of your life watching this film. Hope I did a good review there. I never really do a good job in my opinion. So I guess I shall see you in the 'morrow!

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