Friday 21 February 2014

Not Another Questions Tag!

Yep! I have nothing to blog about so I am going to answer some questions. These originally were 84 questions by fuckyeahsurveys but I took some out cause I either couldn't be bothered to answer them, or they just weren't that good a question. Sorry I know these aren't very interesting, but they are better than nothing.

If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Tokyo cause it looks so awesome.
Favourite month and why? April cause it's my birthday. 
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Yes, I have this game called Beetle drive which is pretty cool. 
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them? My Sister. Words. 
What musical artists have you seen perform live? Mindless Self Indulgence, which I mention way too much. 
Does virginity matter to you? Yes, it should matter to most people.
What gaming consoles do you or your family own? Mainly Nintendo stuff and a Playstation 2 
What pets do you have? What are their names? I have a kittywitty called Sebastian, however I mainly refer to him as Bubba, or Baby.
Inspiration behind your URL? The abbreviation of my blog name
Inspiration behind your blog title? Well I'm mad and weird, and short. So I thought little bit weird would sound good. 
Favourite item of clothing? It used to be checked shirts but now I'm going to have to say a jumper.
Are you friends with any exes? I guess not. I mean I don't really know where I stand with Scott.
One book you loved as a child? Umm...Jaqueline Wilson's Double Act.
What’s your favourite number, and why? 17, I don't know why.
What did you have for dinner yesterday? Mini Pizzas!
How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day everyday?
What’s your favourite candy/chocolate? TERRY'S CHOCOLATE ORANGE!
Do you have any other blogs currently? No.
If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat? Pasta.
What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? SHERLOCK!
How would you describe your sense of humour? Well I find dirty things funny, and bad puns. So not good.
What things annoy you more than anything else? People using incorrect grammar.
What kind of position are you in at the moment? In what context? I am sitting/ lying. It isn't quite either. I think the accurate term is slouching. 
Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own New addition to the family!  by Lish, Half Term and Hurtful People by Amy, and Revision? by Claire.
What do you carry your money in? A Zig and Zig purse.
How many times have you moved house? Never, same place ever since I was born.
Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? Scribble Netty animations.
Is there anything that always makes you sad? Thoughts about stuff...
Last strong smell you can remember smelling? Banana.
How often do you clear your browser history? Not as often as I should. Not that I look at anything dirty.
Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic? I actually do, if they are done in a certain way. I sound so creepy now. 
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Yeah my friend/husband Maddy.
What is your least favourite colour, and why? Brown. I know ironic my last name is Brown. But brown is shit. If you pardon the pun.
How many posts do you have? Well this will be my 97th.
What time is it currently? 20:56
Is there anything you should be doing right now? Well should be, no, want to be, yes.

Hope you enjoyed that. Sorry again, and I shall see you in the 'morrow!

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