Friday 14 February 2014

My Valentine's Day

Ugh Valentine's Day. I mean seriously what is the point? Despite this I actually had a pretty good February 14th so obviously I am going to tell you for why. 

So before I went to school, I went to the shop to buy Jessie a monster, cause today wasn't a good day for her, cause it is the anniversary of her friends death, and monster is a tradition. When I presented it to her I thought she was going to cry cause she found it so adorable. 

My first lesson of the day was psychology, and Jonesy turned it into a revision session, which meant I practically did nothing cause I can't really revise when with Maddy and Claire. Today Maddy had her laptop on her, so we just started listening to old songs and those really cheesy ones that are just hilarious. We were listening to the fast food song and the Time Warp, so obviously danced, but dancing the time warp whilst sitting is really fucked up. 

After psychology was Break where Connor presented us with a box of hero's to "share". So what do I do? I steal them then go hide under a table, allowing people to have those I do not like, which in the case of heroes are all but twirl and dairy milk. And there was only two of each, and I gave one to Hal so I had three chocolates, when someone had 4. But that was pretty much all I can remember of break time. 

Moving on to Media. As always with media, we watch something, today was The Sarah Jane Adventures. But the absolute best part of the lesson was right towards the end when Jessie and I started to have this conversation about pronunciation in comparison to spelling. For example why is lingerie pronounced laungeray? After this we started saying LawnJerry. Then Jessie mentioned phat so I started saying p-hat, which killed her. It continued with things like kinife and Les-Bi-An. This was really funny to us, so we mentioned it to the Galmeister during mentor and he said he would write it on the system for things discussed. Also during mentor he was being mean to me cause there was a mistake on my report. It said I got an E when I got a D in Biology and the whole time I was raging he was saying computer says no and Jessie was just laughing about how I got the D. 

So after this was loonch. Yes I said it like that. Well not said typed. You get the picture. Even though it's not a picture... I became Giancarlo Balbido Again!! Yay! I can't remember much about what we spoke about, but I do remember one thing. The actual Giancarlo sat on me and squished me for pretty much the entire time. It was weird. But then when the bell went and I had to go to Biology I felt pretty strange without him. 

In biology we had another revision session which wasn't really that cause Quackers and Claydon came in the room and they and Bingham just started having random chats about suicide and music. That was pretty much the entire hour. So as normal I had to wait for the late bus. So I went to the common room. And no-one else was in there :'(  But after about 40 minutes Amy and Emma appeared and we spoke for a bit. Emma's mum then called and we managed to get a lift home so all was good :D 

Today was pretty good until I realised it was half-term. Most people are probably thinking YAY HALF TERM LETS PARTY AND SLEEP AND PARTY AND EAT AND PARTY. I doubt many people actually party that much. But for me and my fellow 6th formers it is a week of Revision (and maybe some partying) Because as soon as we go back it is Mock Week. DUN DUN DUN!!! Freak out mode activated. However I am feeling ok about 1 of my exams so that's got to be good. Right?

Today hasn't felt a lot like Valentine's day, thank god! So Happy February 14th Everybody. And I shall see you in the 'morrow!

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