Saturday 15 February 2014

About Time

I have been wanting to watch this film ever since I saw the trailor, for 2 reasons. One because it was by the guy who created Love Actually, and Two is has Domhnall Gleeson in it, and I love him. So I couldn't wait any longer and watched it on the tinterweb. So obviously this blog post is my review of it.


Lets start off with the storyline. Basically there is this guy Tim who uses time travel to find love. When he meets a girl they get married and have a baby. But this baby means he cannot travel back to before she was born if not she would change. However he only realises this when he travels back to help his sister. After fixing the baby situation it means his sister's life doesn't change. But then it sorts itself out. And they have another kid but then the dad falls ill and dies so Tim goes back to see him but then can't cause there is going to be another baby, and it gets really emotional. I almost cried like 3 times. There are some funny elements to this film which I love, cause if it is all too mushy I lose interest. But I really enjoyed the story even though it is kind of similar to A Time Traveler's wife, it even has the same lead actress.

Next the characters. I love Tim (not only cause it was Domhnall. He was this awkward guy, who was funny, and that is kind of my type. I also love the sister Kit Kat cause everyone called her Kit Kat and I thought that was amazing, cause she is in her 20's. This character was also amazing cause she was just out there, and not your everyday romcom character, she was extremely love-able. Bill Nighy too was genius. And there were so many other characters who were brilliant.

It is really hard to review this cause I just end up using the same words and it sounds boring and unprofessional so I think I am going to leave it here. If you liked Love Actually and most RomComs you are probably going to like this as well. So I suggest you watch it. and if you don't like romcoms then don't cause I'm not holding you at gun point people! Well that's it. See you in the 'morrow!

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