Monday 10 February 2014

Searching the Tinterweb

I want to write about my day, but my day has been pretty shitty (ha rhyme) but in all seriousness the past 4 hours of my life have been ugh and I really am not up to writing a blog post. But I made a promise to write a post everyday. So what am I supposed to write about when I am feeling down? Everything I'll talk about will have a dark decent and that wont be readable, it may even put you in a depressive mood and I don't want that. So what do I do? 

Ok I was searching the tinterweb for blog ideas and I scroll to the bottom of the page and see this:
Seriously Siobhan well done for getting on the first page of google without having to type in your name. However I think Merlin had something to do with it. Siobhan's blog by the way is 

This got me thinking. I want my blog one day to be on the first page of google! Not that I want to be famous I just want proof I am good at something. Maybe it will convince me enough to work hard at things and actually get something out of life. Cause currently my life is going no-where. This is probably the only thing I have to fall back on, and right now this is going downhill. So the next option is Youtube but I'm to scared too start anything, and quite frankly too lazy. So all that is left is doing well in school, which currently isn't going to well either. So FUCK LIFE! I'll just go die in a hole. Told you this would take a turn to the darkside.

Hmm how to brighten this up? Umm look at this picture:
I love these comics they are hilarious. They have the dark side of funny. Cyanide and Happiness. You guys really should check them out cause they are awesome. You can find some of the things on google images. Man who doesn't love google? 

That's it I'm out of stuff so we are going to have to cut it short. But there was a long post yesterday so I guess it evens out. Sorry! See you in the 'morrow!

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