Monday 24 February 2014

The Week of Why?

So this is it, the week where students scream at the world asking WHY? If you have not guessed it is mock week. Luckily for me I only have 3 mocks, but that didn't stop me from spending the past week stressing my ass off because everything I revised just wouldn't stay in my mind hole. I even broke down last night cause I was like "I can't do this I am going to fail". And I am pretty sure I wasn't the only one.

I like most people had a disadvantage, for I had an exam the moment I got back to school, followed by another exam. My main focus was on Biology cause the teachers are really strict about it. But after working my butt off I think it paid off. I mean I didn't get 100% but who does. I mean if someone got 100% I am going to worship the ground they walk on and be their eternal slave, cause they are now the ruler of the world. But I am certain I didn't fail enough to get kicked off the course so all is good. 

Then there was the psychology mock, which I will admit I was not as prepared for as I was for the biology. I sat there scribbling away something that partly made sense in my mind. If I was to read it now I would be certain it is all just gobbledegook. I just thought writing something that sounded vaguely correct would be better than writing nothing. I silently rage quit about half an hour before the end, because I had done all that I could and my mind by this point was fried. So I just sat there counting ceiling tiles. I also left a message in my mock paper for my teachers. This is what it read "I'm sorry I did so badly, but I prepared for this and it left my mind. Sorry :(" I hope I don't get marks deducted for this. :/ 

Now I only have one mock left. Media. Which I will admit isn't that much of a worry for me. I don't have that until Wednesday afternoon so I get tomorrow off. YAY! I feel bad though for those who have exams still. Like my poor ickle Aims and Clive. I will also get Thursday off which shall be a bonus. Probably won't put that time to any use though. I am thinking about dying my hair though. My roots look disgusting. 

My final words are this: Good luck to those who have mocks, and remember if you fail it is because you are too smart they feel the world will abuse your intellect so save you the pain. I love you all in various non creepy ways. Try to enjoy the week. See you in the 'morrow!

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