Monday 10 February 2014

Notice Me Senpai

So instead of writing about my day today I am going to write about what I did yesterday. Which kind of led into today when you think about it. But we'll get there. Today was planned for Jessie and I to go up the city and film some stuff for our Media Project. But because it is us none of that happened. This is what happened instead:

First I waited for 40 minutes in Anglia Square for Eddie and Jessie to get there, in the friggen cold! And I gave up and started to walk to the city and I saw them in the fucking 99p store. Then they were all like "well we were late cause we saw a guy hugging a swan, and then we came in here to get a drink." And I was all ARg, cause they didn't even get a picture of The Swan Lord. So after this we spent like half an hour in Aladdin's Cave cause no matter how many times you look at the same things it is still pretty awesome. Then we headed over to the city.

The first thing on my to-do list was to go see Amy at work and get my usual, cause everytime I go to the city and she is at work that is what I am doing. So I bought me and the guys some cokes, cause buying burgers from burger king is so over-rated. And we sat in the food court with our drinks, and Eddie and Jess decided to practically shout out that I have Herpes. Which for the record I do not. Then when we finished we wondered around the city, Going in HMV, and Blott (where we bought derp octopus keychains and dubbed ourselves The Derp Octopussys cause why not? We also took loads of selfies on the photobooth mode on the ipads in the Apple store and set the derpiest one as the wallpaper and got the fuck out of there.

We headed up to Ed's Diner after this where we danced to awesome songs and drank these ultimate delicious milkshakes. I ordered a Chocolate, Eddie Peanut Butter and Jessie got Butterscotch, and they gave us pitchers that were like 3 cups worth, so we decided to share with each other the different flavours. Then Eddie mixed the Chocolate and the Peanut Butter together and it was delicious so I also did the same, and it was amazing! I'm now having a craving for one :'(

So after this is it was like 6:30 so we went into Primark and bugged James Loveday at work, Eddie kept asking if they had these Pink Wellies in his Size and James almost went and got him some. Then we decided to head back to Jasstophers. 

Anywho we decided to go  chill at Sloughbottom, it was about 8ish now I think. When there I went on the motorbikes cause they are so fricken cute and I can actually fit on them cause I am that small. However we grew tired of this park and decided to head back to Jessie's.

We watched many Youtube videos (mainly Scribble Netty stuff cause they are so amazing) then we were reading some of my blog posts. I also spoke to Paige, well tried. Then we called Jessie's friend Charles in 'Merica, which was an insanely weird conversation. This was like 1 in the morning well for us for him it was probably evening time. Shortly after this Jessie went to bed leaving the rest of us playing GTA then somewhere around 2ish Eddie fell asleep on the sofa. So I continued the GTA play until about 5am running up to people and saying NOTICE ME SENPAI! Which we have practically been saying to everyone all day. 

Finally we turned it off and sat on the sofa talking about a bunch of different things, but the main conversation was this. Basically we were talking about how I would love to use voodoo on people and drown them cause I am so lovely. 

It was what 8am now and we were just talking about random stuff playing some more games and me falling asleep for about an hour. Got woken up by them saying Notice Me Senpai. And just had random sleeps until about 11ish when I got ready to go. Jessie still had not risen from her slumber. Just as I was leaving she awoke and I said goodbye to them both and headed to the Whifler where I had a wonderful meal with the family but I was so fucking tired. So I pretty much got home, watched some youtube, napped a lot then blogged. 

Hey look at that two days in one! Well it felt like one long day for me cause there wasn't a lot of sleeping involved ;) but no it was nothing like that. Jesus Christ this was a long fucking blog post.So that was that and this was this. Tomorrow I have a feeling I am going to be very tired cause I had a long nap so probably wont get to sleep until ridiculous O'Clock. Lets Hope I'm good enough to have something blog worthy. See you in the 'morrow!

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