Tuesday 18 February 2014


Yeah the title is called Mafia. Hope I don't get killed by any Mafia's out there. I LOVE THE MAFIA!? This post is entitled the Mafia because today at Claire's house we practically played this game instead of revising. 

Here are the rules if you would like to play at home. You would need: A deck of cards, more than 5 players, and just common sense. 
In your deck of cards take out the amount needed for number of players. Ensuring you have 1 king 1 queen and and 2 aces the rest can be random numbers. 
The cards are passed around and are not to be seen by anybody. If you have a King it means you are a policeman, if Queen you are a Doctor, Ace means you are the Mafia, and numbers mean you are villagers (Innocent). 
What happens is everybody closes their eyes and the Mafia are then allowed to look at each other. Then everybody opens their eyes and the group nominate straight off one person they think is in the Mafia. And whoever gets the most votes is out of the game. If people have equal amounts people have to make a unanimous (A word I cannot pronounce yet somehow spelled correctly on my first try) decision. Then yeah. However, if the policeman is voted out then the game is over. After this the players close their eyes again and the person who sits out has to concentrate. Cause they have to keep track of information. First the Mafia are asked to open their eyes and chose someone to kill, then they close their eyes and the Doctor then has to chose someone to save (it can be themselves), then they close their eyes and the Policeman can then accuse someone as being part of the Mafia. Everyone then opens their eyes and results are revealed. 

If you are dead you are out, unless the Doctor saved you randomly, and if you are accused you are out. The game is over when either the Policeman is dead, or the Mafia are dead/accused. 

So when we played today a brilliant thing happened. Alicia and I were the Mafia, and Gian was the Doctor (at the time we were unaware of this) So when asked who to kill, we pointed at him, then when he chose to save someone he saved me. He was rather frustrated at me because of this. Also when I was the Mafia in another instance, people started to accuse me in the first round as well as Emily who was innocent. Somehow I managed to get people to vote her out, so when in the second round the Mafia asked to open their eyes I looked straight at her and she had the look of "I want to kill you". All funny instances are mainly when I am the Mafia. The next one was in the first round the Mafia's were asked to look at each other Claire looked round to me in the creepiest way and we burst into laughter, thus giving it away. 

I can't remember loads about my day so I am going to end my post here, cause I am incredibly tired. Besides you got to learn a new game even if I explained it in a kind of confusing way. Well I can't help you there. Hope you enjoyed your day? See you in the 'morrow!

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