Wednesday 19 February 2014

Keeping Secrets

As some of you may know I am a massive gossiper. I don't know what it is but I love to share information and part of me just has to know everything. Don't get me wrong there are occasions where I can be trusted and have kept secrets because I know the importance of them. However there is one secret I am desperate to share. But can't.

This isn't someone else's secret so if I share it, it wouldn't be the end of mine and their friendship, because mainly it is my secret. Though I still can't tell people about it. Well I lie, I have told Jessie and my sister, because I tell Jessie everything and Hal is just so nosey she found out. It's nice having them to know cause then at least some of the pressure of "OMC I HAVE TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT RIGHT THIS SECOND" is being taken away. But part of me feels that isn't enough. I want to tell all my friends, and share it on here, but I just can't. However I have a feeling Lish might know. 

Despite this, I don't mind keeping this secret. Because it makes me feel like I have some special connection with those I have shared it with. Something that brings us closer. And I really like that. It is like we live in our own little world that know one else fully understands. Kind of like Narnia. 

I'm pretty certain I am going to be able to keep this secret. But I have a feeling by the time it comes to the reveal everyone will be like, oh we already knew that. Like every time I try to share something. Everyone somehow knows everything and it is unfair. No-one can let me have this one moment to be the sharer of great news. 

I'm going to stop here because I haven't got a lot of time to blog today. Besides I am kind of done with what I wanted to say in this post. Sorry it is a little shorter than usual. However you may prefer that, cause you are getting annoyed at me for waffling on about nothing. Maybe I should start making shorter blogs from now on. Then again that is unlikely to happen. Cause I'm a waffler! So that's it. See you in the 'morrow!

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