Sunday 2 February 2014

The Waiting Game

So today I had a spontaneous trip to the city because my dad offered to buy me things. And you just can't turn that down. However there is one problem with going to the city on a Sunday. You get stranded. Now I don't know who came up with the ridiculous bus timetable for Sunday, but when I found out I am going to hunt you down and stab you in the cheek. Basically there is one bus that gets you in the city for about 11, then you aren't allowed to go back home until 4:45. It's complete and utter Bullshit. Cause it only happens to Horsfordinians like myself. Those who live in Hellesdon can still transfer from one place to another without a care in the world. 

So we got to the city and went to poundland, then went in Chaplefield thus going into Disney, Blott, and then we left. We then went in Primark where I got a jumper, a checked shirt and a vest. Then it got to lunchtime so we went for a Nando's which as always was delicious. Then we planned what to do next since we still had 4 fucking hours to wait for the bus! So we went into the works, where I got a sketchbook, WHSmiths, where I got some folders and revision cards. After this we proceeded to go in the mall and buy nothing but I was fangirling over many things, mainly in the store gifted, cause that shop is awesome. Followed by Waterstones where Hal got lots of books, which I shall be reading. Then we went to the Bell for desert cause we still had 2ish fucking hours to kill. 

Man that hot chocolate fudge cake with ice cream was delicious. But we still had hours to spare. So we went into the BBC Shop and then spent the rest of the time in the library. I was going to read but I forgot the book I am currently reading and they did not have a copy in the library so I was like oh I'll just read another book, but I just couldn't get into the story so read about the first couple of pages of a bout 7 different books. It was quite tedious. But finally it was time to get the bus. 

So now I am home, blogging/doing biology revision. Guess which one isn't getting much attention. So sorry this blog wasn't very interesting but my day wasn't. I just mentioned what happened instead of blogging about other things so that everyone can know the pain of Horsfordinians on a Sunday. Something needs to be done about the bus schedule. I mean they could at least have one bus in between 12 and 5 is that too much to ask?Just one measly little bus about 2ish. So we don't have to stalk about trying to entertain ourselves. First choice bus service for the number 36, YOU ARE FUCKING RIDICULOUS. (only on Sundays...and everday between the hours of 7pm and 10pm). Sorry about my rant. But it has to be said. See you in the 'morrow! 

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