Friday 7 February 2014

The Family Tree

Before we get on to what the title states, I am going to talk about my day as per usual then it will lead to what the title says and it will all make perfect sense. Trust me on this. So this was my day:

I woke up at about 8:30 and went and ate some Curiously Cinnamon cause they are so delicious, then I played MLP for about half an hour. After which I got ready for 6th form, and managed to get on the bus for free! YAY! However I was alone on my walk up to the school. Not so YAY! When I got there it was a bout break time so I sat with the ragtag group of awesomeness (which is how they are always going to be referred to from now on) and as always I forget what we talked about. But I remember Lish revealing the devastating news about Sherlock. It isn't returning until 2016! Steven, if you are reading this, which I highly doubt cause you are completely amazing and probably way to busy making awesome TV shows to read some random girls blog but anywho, I am going to hunt you down, and your co-writers, the cast and everyone you need to make Sherlock, and keep you hostage until you make the series. Actually maybe forever cause you are all the best people on earth. 

Moving away from the crazy stalkerness. Jass and I then had Media so we moseyed (this word should be used more often) on down to our lesson, and pretty much watched Brave for two hours. Cause that's what you do in media you watch films and tv shows then go and tell all your friends that's what you did to make them jealous. After Media, Jass went home and I went back to the common room to see the peeps. We spoke about various different things like books, and lessons, and things we should give up for lent blahdeblahblah. WAIT! There was this one question from Giancarlo I remembered when writing the rest of my blog which I am squeezing in here cause this is where it belongs and I don't know why I am not just writing this as if I didn't just think of it and am adding it in...ANYWHO... Giancarlo turned to me and asked the most awkward question imaginable. He always asks awkward questions. But this was probably the weirdest. Prepare
yourself. He asked "When you have a period, does it go all over the toilet seat?" My brain almost exploded. I am traumatised FOR LIFE. And now so are you. During this Clive and I went to the shop where I purchased some Candy Sticks, but not for the candy sticks, for the Spiderman Tattoo.  I mean isn't it awesome . I don't know why but I
love drawing or having something on my wrist, like this beautiful thing I painted on there once cause I was bored. the shop I was a complete failure cause I gave the women 20p more than she needed and then I dropped my money and I was just like ARg Life! And practically ran out of there.

After the events of Lunchtime, we had psychology. We started off by playing bingo and I was so close to winning, but I didn't so :'( Then we did this quiz which I failed and it was hilarious. Then some stuff happened that I can't remember so we are going to skip to the Claire Period. I know what this sounds like but it is what I refer to as the hour I spend with Claire whilst we wait for the late bus. So in this hour we decided to make our family tree. Not as in our actual family. Our friend family. Cause as you may or may not know from previous readings of my blog. I am actually Beryll and Claire is Clive, my son, from my marriage to Clark (Maddy) And we elaborated this further over the past few weeks and we took it a bit too far. So here it is:

I'll say it in brief. Some people have different names, some don't it depends on when they were added. So Will is Momo (Giancarlo's) father. Momo and Tom G are married and have a daughter Kezia, who is married to Tim and they have 3 children the triplets (Megan, Charlotte and Lizzy). However Momo  had a child Beryll (me) who when she was young got raped by a Kangaraffe and had two children Goffrey and Cammie (They are no-one in particular). Now Beryll is married to Clark (Maddy) and they have one son Clive (Claire) who had a one night Stand with Gertrude (Jessie) Who's brother is Eddie. The one night stand lead to the birth of the Burger Queen (Amy) Who is married to Paige, and they had a son, James. Tom H, who's brother is Jamie, got married and had 2 children. Emily who is married to Megan C, and Emma who is with Siobhan and have a child called Lish. Lish is married to Connor and they had a son, Scott who is married to George. 

So that's the dysfunctional family. This is what Claire and I do in our spare time. We really need lives. Sorry it wasn't broken down into my usual font but I really could not be bothered to go through that chunk of text finding important things cause it is all pretty important. So that was my day, and my family tree. So I guess I shall see you in the 'morrow!

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