Saturday 8 February 2014

A Very Potter Musical

Yes it's another review, because I have nothing else to write about ok? Besides I have been watching a lot of things recently that I think would be nice to review so I'm going to do it. Already on this blog I wrote a review about a musical called Twisted, which I loved, so I watched another musical by the same people. This was called A Very Potter Musical, and it doesn't take a genius to guess what it is a parody of. For those who are not geniuses it is Harry Potter. Again it can all be found on youtube so I being kind have included the video so you can watch it yourself because it is amazing. But not as good as Twisted.


The one problem I have with this is that I cannot decide who my favourite character was. It was either Voldemort or Draco, because they were both hilarious. I loved how Draco would just sprawl around on the floor cause it just seemed really random, yet somehow really funny. And Voldermort was just pure genius, when he was drunk and his whole relationship with Quirrell and the "Voldermort out bitches" just cracked me up. Both of them were portrayed brilliantly so it is hard to chose which one was better. However I think it slowly hints towards Voldermort, cause he was so amazing in the actual films. With the best scene from Goblet of Fire "I can touch you now!" Best Shit Ever.

The storyline is a little messed up cause they try to squeeze in plots from all 7 films pretty much but they don't really have the time resources of people, so it's a little what the fuck. But for what they had I think they did a great job. My one flaw with the storyline was they included talks about Zac Efron, and I really cannot stand the guy. I mean they were taking the piss out of him in a way, which was funny, but I had to look at a picture of his face and that is something I try to avoid as often as I can.

Now since it was a musical we obviously have to talk about the songs. Unfortunately I don't think they were as good as the ones in Twisted so it was kind of a let down for me. My favourite song was between Voldermort and Quirrell but I think it was mainly cause of the way they were while they were singing it and not the song itself. They were just shuffling around in circles.

Overall I did really enjoy it and it made me laugh a lot. There are a lot more musicals like this so I am probably going to watch those as well and share them here so look forward to that. I really suggest you watch this because it is so funny and if you don't you are missing out. Trust me. Well I guess this is it, cause there isn't really that much to say. It is something you have to watch to understand its amazingness. So I guess I shall see you in the 'morrow!

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