Sunday 16 February 2014

Magical Buses and Lesbinums

It started out as such an innocent conversation. Claire asking us whether we wanted to got to her house and revise. Then as you can probably tell by the title of this post (which was the title of the conversation for most of it) that things got weird. I'm going to mention the highlights to you:

Magical buses came from Lish asking how she would get to Horsford and I responded with..."There are these magical things called Buses" and Lesbinums came from, well I'm sure you could figure that out.
Then we started talking about the kind of onesies we have. 
One of the weirder conversations was about how Emily was a guy. Then all of a sudden she went on a walk and returned having a sex change. Emily is a strange one. 
Claire then said "Being the skittles in Tuesday" instead of bring so we also started making fun of this, cause it's what you do. 
Then there was the mate fight. I hate being called "mate" 
At some point Lish also started being mean to me so I threatened to kill the cast of TVD. 
During the conversation there has been a lot of calling people Sluts. 
 We spoke about bus routes where I drew some wonderful maps for people. Literally works of art.
Then a wonderful conversation about our family tree. You know the one I blogged about that one time.
Which led into a conversation about Giancarlo's sexy neck. 
A brief conversation about the horniness of dolphins.
Then I was talking about my plans to rape them all. I'm so nice to my friends.
A long talk about foods.
Then Giancarlo and I practically started singing to each other. For about an hour. 
After this we went to sleep. The conversation started at one and ended at about eleven. Well that's what we thought.

Because at 10am the next day (today) it started again, and has pretty much been going on since. Again here are the highlights:
It started with a conversation about Lish wanting to kill Maddy 
After this was my amazing fact about sleeping. Did you know if you regularly get more than 10 hours sleep, you will randomly die.
So we started sending random songs to each other.
Then they fought for my affection.
We were then sent us the most disturbing photo of ALL TIME.
Jessie then joined the conversation and it became all about Doge, and LawnGerry.
We then started sending each other puns. I love a good pun.
More talking of food, and revision.
I got called a slut :'(
After this was a long conversation about time machine's and where we'd go and what we'd do if we had one.
Talk about smoking and dying.

Then we are at where I started writing a blog and the conversation is still going. It's about 6pm now. Hope I don't end up too consumed in the conversation I wont blog tomorrow. I bet you are all hoping that though ;) See you in the 'morrrow!

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