Thursday 20 February 2014

30 Hours of Stuff

Whoa what happened over the past 30 hours? I've had 2 hours sleep and pretty much 2 meals. I really need to do better. But non the less it was a great time and therefore I am going to blog about it.

So Jassums and I have to do filming for Media Studies so we went to the City with Eddie. We went to Costa to buy prop coffee and headed to the food court which is where I had planned to film. Then this guy was all like "you need permission to film" so I had to re-locate and organise my shots again. Luckily we found a place and got the shots done. With brief distractions of just being weird and this guy telling us we should go to this concert thing at the Garage and we said we would go but quite frankly I am too tired. After we got this done we wandered round the city and went into Ed's Diner and had some delicious milkshakes. As always.

Then we walked back to Jessie's. I can't remember a lot about the walk, we were just being our normal random selves. But I do remember stopping off at this park. I got trapped in a compartment of a train. Then we spent some time on the Witch's hat getting dizzay. Yes that is meant to say dizzay, cause I am so cool and whatnot. 

Back at Jeswas. I don't know where that nickname came from but I'm going to keep it. We played a bunch of MSI songs. After this we actually did some more Media Filming but the whole time pretended that we were going to make a sex tape. Cause why not? Then we started up GTA and ended up playing on that until 3 in the morning. Jessie going to bed about 1. Pretty much like last time we did this.

So at about 9 Eddie left and Jessie was awake, but I saw this as a good opportunity to sleep. I woke up about 2 hours later and was all meh throughout the day. We started off just talking and just general mucking about with Hair gel. So I had to go take a shower. At which point the Bastards decided to frape me. They changed my profile picture and cover photo on Facebook,then wrote a status saying I have "I've got sticky stuff in  my hair" which I left on cause in fairness it was true. Hair gel is sticky and was in my hair. 

Later Momo arrived and about 5 minutes after he entered the door Jessie took his phone and hid it. It got to the point where chairs were being lifted to see if it got under it. It was hilarious. Then we finished it all with some last minute Media filming before I left. 

I love days like this cause they are fun and eventful, but I never get any sleep and become grouchy for many hours until my sleep has been restored. However I have to go out tomorrow and I had to write this blog so the sleep catch up might have to wait. Hopefully I get enough sleep now that I don't be all moody tomorrow and end up murdering people. If I do you will probably hear it on the news. Lets pray that wont happen. See you in the 'morrow!

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