Friday, 28 February 2014

I Have No Idea...

Why we had to go into 6th form today I have no idea, but I had a good day so I'm not too bothered. I had a lie in and looked at the results of dying my hair yesterday and it looked ok, besides everyone was telling me it looked great, but you can't deny the awkward bright pink bit looks well awkward. Then I headed to 6th form and was presented with free cake. Who can refuse free cake?

I had lemon drizzle, however it was more lets make one half so lemony you die. I ate all I could then gave the rest to Jass who braved the extreme lemonyness. And according to my computer lemonyness is actually a word. Who knew? After this I went to Media with Jessie and it was so funny. I can't remember everything but Champs is just hilarious. 

After this was lunch which felt like it was going on forever. We spoke a lot about books and films based on them and stuff. This was followed by a single psychology. Where Claire and I were talking about tasering people, cause she refused to let me stab them, slice them or cut of fingers. Claire takes the fun out of everything. Love you really Claire. As well as this people were making Scott jokes towards me. Which really pisses me off to the point I want to kill myself, or anybody. And they won't stop, for they are douches. 

So once the hour was up I waited for the late bus with Claire and Emily. It started off with taking a personality quiz based on Tim Burton Characters, Claire was Jack Skellington, Em was the martians and I was Beetlejuice. My favourite question was Do you crossdress? Cause why the fuck not? 

That is all for today, see you in the morrow!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Mind Conversations

MOCKS CONTINUE!!! If you haven't guessed I had another mock today. It was Media Studies, which was my final mock of this week so I was looking forward to it. The exam wasn't until 1:50 so this meant I had the luxury of staying in bed until about 10 o'clock.

This meant I got to watch some TV before I left. I watched me some Pramface. It was a good episode but I feel it is kind of going downhill over the series'. Yeah. So after this I got ready. It was superduper sunny today, so I thought, "No I'm not going to wear my coat, I'm going to wear my jacket." This was a mistake. Not that it was cold as soon as I left the house, if anything I was still too hot, but I missed my Anti-social hood. I would wear my hood most of the time, even when it wasn't raining because it made me feel like I didn't have to acknowledge anyone. I know I'm such a delight. But it's true, I felt really weird without it.

Nonetheless I went to school and found the Triplets in the common room, we started talking about mocks and sleeping habits. Then we talked about how my headphones have a flat wire then somehow one of the nubby bits (what are they actually called?) somehow fell off and traveled halfway across the room. It was weird. Then Jassums arrived and we spoke more about mocks. Then I ate an apple which for some unknown reason the 6th form has supplied. It was cute and tiny. Apparently we get cake on Friday. I love cake. 

So Jessie and I headed off to the 21/2 hour exam! It was way too long. I finished with half an hour to spare and kept looking at the woman holding us hostage having mind conversations so that she could let us leave earlier. In my mind I was saying "Judy" yes I named her Judy "Judy please just let me leave in the next 5 minutes cause then I can go and catch the next bus and be home by 5, come on Judy. I know you don't want to do this cause you still have to stay here and this is your revenge but please Judy. Judy look at me!" She then looks at me and I'm like crap Judy don't look at me. So I sat there having my mind conversation and I was allowed to leave missing the bus I had wanted to get. This meant I had to wait outside in the friggen cold for 20 minutes! Good thing I wasn't alone. For I had a douche to keep me company. Man I really wanted my coat. So I got home gone 5 and was incredibly cold. FUCK THE COLD! 

Today I found out that we don't get the results of the mocks until the 19th of March. That's too far away. I gots to know now! So enjoy me being all depressed, cause I am constantly worrying about how well I did, until then. See you in the 'morrow!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Yet More Questions...

Hi! So an upside to mock week is that you don't have to be in school when you don't have an exam. Today I did not so I stayed at home and watched TV. But that doesn't make a good blog. Therefore I am going to have to answer questions again. I know, you want me to stop, but I never will. This time you can thank Lish providing me with questions. 

1. When you wash your hands, do you use the cold or hot tap? Cold tap, I don't see the point in the hot one, I don't think anyone uses it.
2. If you had to be straight/gay for a day (whichever you’re currently not!), what celebrity would you most like to take on a date? I'm Bi so what do I do here. I would like to date Craig Roberts and Most probably Lynz Way even though she is married. 
3. What is the biggest injury you've ever sustained and how did you do it? Cut on my knee. I was skipping. Cause I am so hardcore.
4. What is the most unusual food you've ever eaten? I don't know. Most things I eat are pretty normal.
5. What is the most unique animal you've ever touched? Depends on the definition of unique. I've touched a moth. I love moths.
6. What’s the most expensive gift you've ever bought for someone? How much did it cost and who was it for? Stop asking me questions like this. I have a bad memory. 
7. Which 3 countries would you LEAST like to live in and why? I feel really mean. Probably North Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Just cause.
8. If you could make just ONE change to this world, what would it be and why? I would want people not to take things for granted. Because you never know what happens, and the way some people treat things is disgusting.  
9. If you could wake up tomorrow and be fluent in 3 additional languages, which would you choose? Russian, Japanese and Welsh.
10. Which would you rather out of these 3 options? A: Be good looking and extremely intelligent but so poor you live on the streets. B: Be extremely intelligent and a millionaire but what society classes as ugly. Or C: Be good looking and a millionaire but extremely academically challenged? Why? Probably B. Cause I'd like to think I'd still be loved without looks, and I want to be intelligent. I'm not too bothered about being a millionaire but money would be good.
11. What are the top 10 movies to make you cry? (Or at least make you sad!) Frankenweenie, Edward Scissorhands, My Sisters Keeper, About Time, Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc, Up, Gran Torino made me a bit sad at the end, Love actually?
12. What’s the scariest nightmare you've ever had? Describe it in detail. It was a recurring nightmare I had as a child that had something to do with Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty chasing me.
13. Would you rather raise 25 children or have the chance of ever having children taken away? Why? Raise 25 children. I don't like the idea of children being taken away unless the parenting is bad.
14. Would you rather go on a relaxing beach type holiday to the Caribbean, a cultural holiday to Japan or an adventure packed holiday to South Africa? JAPAN. Always Japan.
15. If you went to a desert island for just 6 months but could only take one album with you, what would you take? This is like Sophie's choice. My albums are my babies. First I have to chose an artist. Then an album. This is torture don't make me do it. 
16. Put these in order of your favourite movie genre to least:Horror, action, thriller, adventure, superhero, romance, drama, comedy, musical and dance? Comedy, Superhero, Thriller, Adventure, Action, Drama, Horror, Romance, Musical, Dance.
17. If you had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would you choose and why? Smell, cause then you don't have to smell disgusting things.
18. What have been the top 3 most brilliant days of this year? Describe them in as much or as little detail as you like. January 8th, 27th Feb 23rd. People's birthdays.
19. What do you believe we as human beings take most for granted in this world? Family, Friends, most loved ones.
20. How many concerts have you been to in your life and which was your favourite? If you’ve not been to one, who would you most like to see? Only one, and it was MSI! I talk about this way too much. I want to see them again, the Red Paintings again, and Fall Out Boy.

So that's it for today. See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 24 February 2014

The Week of Why?

So this is it, the week where students scream at the world asking WHY? If you have not guessed it is mock week. Luckily for me I only have 3 mocks, but that didn't stop me from spending the past week stressing my ass off because everything I revised just wouldn't stay in my mind hole. I even broke down last night cause I was like "I can't do this I am going to fail". And I am pretty sure I wasn't the only one.

I like most people had a disadvantage, for I had an exam the moment I got back to school, followed by another exam. My main focus was on Biology cause the teachers are really strict about it. But after working my butt off I think it paid off. I mean I didn't get 100% but who does. I mean if someone got 100% I am going to worship the ground they walk on and be their eternal slave, cause they are now the ruler of the world. But I am certain I didn't fail enough to get kicked off the course so all is good. 

Then there was the psychology mock, which I will admit I was not as prepared for as I was for the biology. I sat there scribbling away something that partly made sense in my mind. If I was to read it now I would be certain it is all just gobbledegook. I just thought writing something that sounded vaguely correct would be better than writing nothing. I silently rage quit about half an hour before the end, because I had done all that I could and my mind by this point was fried. So I just sat there counting ceiling tiles. I also left a message in my mock paper for my teachers. This is what it read "I'm sorry I did so badly, but I prepared for this and it left my mind. Sorry :(" I hope I don't get marks deducted for this. :/ 

Now I only have one mock left. Media. Which I will admit isn't that much of a worry for me. I don't have that until Wednesday afternoon so I get tomorrow off. YAY! I feel bad though for those who have exams still. Like my poor ickle Aims and Clive. I will also get Thursday off which shall be a bonus. Probably won't put that time to any use though. I am thinking about dying my hair though. My roots look disgusting. 

My final words are this: Good luck to those who have mocks, and remember if you fail it is because you are too smart they feel the world will abuse your intellect so save you the pain. I love you all in various non creepy ways. Try to enjoy the week. See you in the 'morrow!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Home Celebration!

Happy Birthday Momo! Not that Giancarlo will read this, but still, it was said in spirit. So if you had not guessed today was Momo's birthday and some of us celebrated at his house with games pizza and spaghetti. It was pretty cool.

So it started off with Jessie, Eddie, Momo and I playing Mario kart. And Shockingly I actually won a game. Then the triplets arrived and the Mario Kart continued. I started rage quitting. It was a great. Then we finished to go eat food. Whilst we ate Connor and Scott arrived. 

After the food was eaten we went back into the room of living and played Mafia. Where we failed a lot because people kept giving themselves away. At some point the Mafia started suicide missioning as well which was pretty funny. Then after a lot of playing Mafia we played some Uno. We only played one game which Jessie won. This game however went on for ages. There was a lot of being mean to people by placing down plus 2's and 4's. Luckily friendships were not broken. 

Following the card games we returned to the Wii. Playing Just Dance 3. It was pretty funny, cause we got the guys to dance to Lollipop by Mika, and they looked fantabulous.  Also Connor dancing to Katy Perry's ET has returned for a second year. Again I have filmed it and will probably place it on the youtube as and when I can be bothered. The triplets left after this, so Giancarlo started playing Alice Madness. Whilst I was being pushed off chairs, so I spent most of my time just flailing on the floor.

It was here I found a DVD of a school project from year 9 which Scott, Giancarlo, some other people, and I made, so we watched it. It was pretty good up until the point where I saw my blonde streaks. BLAH. They were disgusting looking back at it. *Shivers*. Then after this we left cause it was getting late. 

That was pretty much my day. See you guys in the 'morrow! If the mocks don't stress me out so much I rage quit life. 

Saturday, 22 February 2014

You Are Going To Love Me...

Guys! Guys, hey! You are going to love me. Want to know why? Cause I am answering yet more questions. I know, I know. How can there be any more questions left in the world, have you not answered them all? Well it turns out the lovely Lishill made a blog post yesterday with questions I haven't answered, so I am stealing this idea off her. Cause that's what friends do. Here goes. 

1. Do you have any regrets? Yes I have many regrets.
2. Do you have a deep, dark secret? I wouldn't call them deep and dark but I have some secrets.
3. Have you ever hurt someone? Unfortunately yes. It's one of my regrets.
4. Have you ever self-harmed? I'm going to be honest. I have. I don't recommend it.
5. How would you like to be remembered? The weirdest person of the land.
6. Who are the three most important people in your life? Mum, Jessie and Hal. I feel mean not mentioning others. Pretty much everyone is important to me.
7. Was there one event that changed your life and the way you think? Yes.
8. Would you sacrifice everything for love? Probably not, cause if it will be, it will be so there is no need to ruin everything else.
9. Are you afraid of dying? No. Everybody dies, it is a well known fact. If you spend each day afraid you are going to die you are not living well. 
10. Have you ever been abused? I'm lucky to say I haven't
11. Have you ever been in love? No.
12. Are you happy with who you are? Meh, there are many aspects to my life I would like to improve. But then there are some parts I just wouldn't change for the world.
13. Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s? Yes. Always. They will probably put their life to greater use than I ever would.
14. Have you changed at all in the last year? Yes I have changed a lot.
15. Would you ever settle for someone you didn't feel was “the one”? I'm afraid to say I have already done this and that didn't work out to well, so I don't think I will do that again. Hopefully I wont need to.
16. Is there someone you can tell everything to without fear of judgement? Yes, Jessie.
17. Are you pursuing your dreams? Not really. 
18. Do actions speak louder than words? Yeah.
19. Is there something you would never do? There is. 
20. What makes you uncomfortable? Talking face to face about feelings. 

Well wasn't that exciting? No? Well I'm sorry ok! My life can't be 100% interesting everyday. I have to do things like question tags, or reviews, or whatever else the fuck I do to distract you guys from the fact I don't have that great a life. Tomorrow should be more interesting I promise. For I am socialising. I know shock horror. So look forward to that. See you in the 'morrow!

Friday, 21 February 2014

Not Another Questions Tag!

Yep! I have nothing to blog about so I am going to answer some questions. These originally were 84 questions by fuckyeahsurveys but I took some out cause I either couldn't be bothered to answer them, or they just weren't that good a question. Sorry I know these aren't very interesting, but they are better than nothing.

If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Tokyo cause it looks so awesome.
Favourite month and why? April cause it's my birthday. 
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Yes, I have this game called Beetle drive which is pretty cool. 
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them? My Sister. Words. 
What musical artists have you seen perform live? Mindless Self Indulgence, which I mention way too much. 
Does virginity matter to you? Yes, it should matter to most people.
What gaming consoles do you or your family own? Mainly Nintendo stuff and a Playstation 2 
What pets do you have? What are their names? I have a kittywitty called Sebastian, however I mainly refer to him as Bubba, or Baby.
Inspiration behind your URL? The abbreviation of my blog name
Inspiration behind your blog title? Well I'm mad and weird, and short. So I thought little bit weird would sound good. 
Favourite item of clothing? It used to be checked shirts but now I'm going to have to say a jumper.
Are you friends with any exes? I guess not. I mean I don't really know where I stand with Scott.
One book you loved as a child? Umm...Jaqueline Wilson's Double Act.
What’s your favourite number, and why? 17, I don't know why.
What did you have for dinner yesterday? Mini Pizzas!
How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day everyday?
What’s your favourite candy/chocolate? TERRY'S CHOCOLATE ORANGE!
Do you have any other blogs currently? No.
If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat? Pasta.
What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? SHERLOCK!
How would you describe your sense of humour? Well I find dirty things funny, and bad puns. So not good.
What things annoy you more than anything else? People using incorrect grammar.
What kind of position are you in at the moment? In what context? I am sitting/ lying. It isn't quite either. I think the accurate term is slouching. 
Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own New addition to the family!  by Lish, Half Term and Hurtful People by Amy, and Revision? by Claire.
What do you carry your money in? A Zig and Zig purse.
How many times have you moved house? Never, same place ever since I was born.
Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? Scribble Netty animations.
Is there anything that always makes you sad? Thoughts about stuff...
Last strong smell you can remember smelling? Banana.
How often do you clear your browser history? Not as often as I should. Not that I look at anything dirty.
Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic? I actually do, if they are done in a certain way. I sound so creepy now. 
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Yeah my friend/husband Maddy.
What is your least favourite colour, and why? Brown. I know ironic my last name is Brown. But brown is shit. If you pardon the pun.
How many posts do you have? Well this will be my 97th.
What time is it currently? 20:56
Is there anything you should be doing right now? Well should be, no, want to be, yes.

Hope you enjoyed that. Sorry again, and I shall see you in the 'morrow!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

30 Hours of Stuff

Whoa what happened over the past 30 hours? I've had 2 hours sleep and pretty much 2 meals. I really need to do better. But non the less it was a great time and therefore I am going to blog about it.

So Jassums and I have to do filming for Media Studies so we went to the City with Eddie. We went to Costa to buy prop coffee and headed to the food court which is where I had planned to film. Then this guy was all like "you need permission to film" so I had to re-locate and organise my shots again. Luckily we found a place and got the shots done. With brief distractions of just being weird and this guy telling us we should go to this concert thing at the Garage and we said we would go but quite frankly I am too tired. After we got this done we wandered round the city and went into Ed's Diner and had some delicious milkshakes. As always.

Then we walked back to Jessie's. I can't remember a lot about the walk, we were just being our normal random selves. But I do remember stopping off at this park. I got trapped in a compartment of a train. Then we spent some time on the Witch's hat getting dizzay. Yes that is meant to say dizzay, cause I am so cool and whatnot. 

Back at Jeswas. I don't know where that nickname came from but I'm going to keep it. We played a bunch of MSI songs. After this we actually did some more Media Filming but the whole time pretended that we were going to make a sex tape. Cause why not? Then we started up GTA and ended up playing on that until 3 in the morning. Jessie going to bed about 1. Pretty much like last time we did this.

So at about 9 Eddie left and Jessie was awake, but I saw this as a good opportunity to sleep. I woke up about 2 hours later and was all meh throughout the day. We started off just talking and just general mucking about with Hair gel. So I had to go take a shower. At which point the Bastards decided to frape me. They changed my profile picture and cover photo on Facebook,then wrote a status saying I have "I've got sticky stuff in  my hair" which I left on cause in fairness it was true. Hair gel is sticky and was in my hair. 

Later Momo arrived and about 5 minutes after he entered the door Jessie took his phone and hid it. It got to the point where chairs were being lifted to see if it got under it. It was hilarious. Then we finished it all with some last minute Media filming before I left. 

I love days like this cause they are fun and eventful, but I never get any sleep and become grouchy for many hours until my sleep has been restored. However I have to go out tomorrow and I had to write this blog so the sleep catch up might have to wait. Hopefully I get enough sleep now that I don't be all moody tomorrow and end up murdering people. If I do you will probably hear it on the news. Lets pray that wont happen. See you in the 'morrow!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Keeping Secrets

As some of you may know I am a massive gossiper. I don't know what it is but I love to share information and part of me just has to know everything. Don't get me wrong there are occasions where I can be trusted and have kept secrets because I know the importance of them. However there is one secret I am desperate to share. But can't.

This isn't someone else's secret so if I share it, it wouldn't be the end of mine and their friendship, because mainly it is my secret. Though I still can't tell people about it. Well I lie, I have told Jessie and my sister, because I tell Jessie everything and Hal is just so nosey she found out. It's nice having them to know cause then at least some of the pressure of "OMC I HAVE TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT RIGHT THIS SECOND" is being taken away. But part of me feels that isn't enough. I want to tell all my friends, and share it on here, but I just can't. However I have a feeling Lish might know. 

Despite this, I don't mind keeping this secret. Because it makes me feel like I have some special connection with those I have shared it with. Something that brings us closer. And I really like that. It is like we live in our own little world that know one else fully understands. Kind of like Narnia. 

I'm pretty certain I am going to be able to keep this secret. But I have a feeling by the time it comes to the reveal everyone will be like, oh we already knew that. Like every time I try to share something. Everyone somehow knows everything and it is unfair. No-one can let me have this one moment to be the sharer of great news. 

I'm going to stop here because I haven't got a lot of time to blog today. Besides I am kind of done with what I wanted to say in this post. Sorry it is a little shorter than usual. However you may prefer that, cause you are getting annoyed at me for waffling on about nothing. Maybe I should start making shorter blogs from now on. Then again that is unlikely to happen. Cause I'm a waffler! So that's it. See you in the 'morrow!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Yeah the title is called Mafia. Hope I don't get killed by any Mafia's out there. I LOVE THE MAFIA!? This post is entitled the Mafia because today at Claire's house we practically played this game instead of revising. 

Here are the rules if you would like to play at home. You would need: A deck of cards, more than 5 players, and just common sense. 
In your deck of cards take out the amount needed for number of players. Ensuring you have 1 king 1 queen and and 2 aces the rest can be random numbers. 
The cards are passed around and are not to be seen by anybody. If you have a King it means you are a policeman, if Queen you are a Doctor, Ace means you are the Mafia, and numbers mean you are villagers (Innocent). 
What happens is everybody closes their eyes and the Mafia are then allowed to look at each other. Then everybody opens their eyes and the group nominate straight off one person they think is in the Mafia. And whoever gets the most votes is out of the game. If people have equal amounts people have to make a unanimous (A word I cannot pronounce yet somehow spelled correctly on my first try) decision. Then yeah. However, if the policeman is voted out then the game is over. After this the players close their eyes again and the person who sits out has to concentrate. Cause they have to keep track of information. First the Mafia are asked to open their eyes and chose someone to kill, then they close their eyes and the Doctor then has to chose someone to save (it can be themselves), then they close their eyes and the Policeman can then accuse someone as being part of the Mafia. Everyone then opens their eyes and results are revealed. 

If you are dead you are out, unless the Doctor saved you randomly, and if you are accused you are out. The game is over when either the Policeman is dead, or the Mafia are dead/accused. 

So when we played today a brilliant thing happened. Alicia and I were the Mafia, and Gian was the Doctor (at the time we were unaware of this) So when asked who to kill, we pointed at him, then when he chose to save someone he saved me. He was rather frustrated at me because of this. Also when I was the Mafia in another instance, people started to accuse me in the first round as well as Emily who was innocent. Somehow I managed to get people to vote her out, so when in the second round the Mafia asked to open their eyes I looked straight at her and she had the look of "I want to kill you". All funny instances are mainly when I am the Mafia. The next one was in the first round the Mafia's were asked to look at each other Claire looked round to me in the creepiest way and we burst into laughter, thus giving it away. 

I can't remember loads about my day so I am going to end my post here, cause I am incredibly tired. Besides you got to learn a new game even if I explained it in a kind of confusing way. Well I can't help you there. Hope you enjoyed your day? See you in the 'morrow!

Monday, 17 February 2014

50 Random Questions Tag

Hey! So I have nothing to blog about. Therefore I am bringing back tags! Yeah it has been a while. I found this tag by another blogger Meghanrosette and thought it was pretty interesting so decided to do one myself. Slightly adapted. Here goes. Enjoy!

1. Where we you 3 hours ago? I was downstairs watching The Next Great Baker.
2. Who are you in love with? Nobody.
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Yeah, I had these scented ones and wondered if they tasted like how they smelt. They didn't :/
4. Is there any pink within 10 feet of you? Unfortunately there is. I am wearing a pink pyjama top.
5. When is the last time you went to the mall? The Saturday before last.
6. Are you wearing socks right now? No...
7. Does you family have a car worth £2,000? PSSSH How am I supposed to know?
8. When was the last time you drove out of town? Well I don't drive but I last left town last summer.
9. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days? No.
10. Are you hot? I assume this means like pretty, so my answer is no.
11. What was the last think you had to drink? Diet Pepsi.
12. What are you wearing right now? Pyjamas
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? I don't own a car
14. Last food you ate? Does Ice Cream count as "food"?

15. Where were you this time last week? The same place I am now. In my room.
16. Have you bought any items of clothing in the last week? No.
17. When is the last time you ran? I don't run for shit.
18.What's the last sporting event you watched? Curling, I love curling for some reason.
19.What is your favourite animal? Umm there are so many! Probably a KITTEH though.
20. Your dream holiday? Tokyo, I don't care who I am with.
21. Last person's house you were in? Jessie's
22. Worst injury you've ever had? Probably when I cut my leg skipping. I know so hardcore.
23. Have you been in love? I'm not entirely sure what love is.
24. Do you miss anyone right now? Yes, yes I do.
25. Last play you saw? I don't go to watch plays but on youtube it would be A Very Potter Musical.
26.What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex? Whoa bit weird. I've never tried to lure the opposite sex, but I try to be funny and I think that works.
27. What are your plans for tonight? Sleeping. Such a fun person I know.
28. Who is the last person you sent a Facebook message or comment to? Giancarlo in a group chat.
29. Next trip you are going to take? I'm not sure, depends what my future holds.
30. Ever go to camp? No.
31. Were you an honour roll student? We don't have these in England.
32. What do you want to know about the future? If it ends up like Futurama.
33. Are you wearing perfume? No
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit? No, unless The Doctor counts.
35. Where is your best friend? She is at her house.
36. How is your best friends? She is fine.
37. Do you have a tan? Not really. I want to be paler though.
38. What are you listening to right now? The sound of an episode of How I Met Your Mother.
39. Do you collect anything? Blott Rubbers.
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know? Probably me.
41.Last time you got stopped by the police/ pulled over? Never
42. Have you ever drank soda from a straw? Yes as often as I can cause straws are awesome.
43. What does your last text message say? "I'll try thanks! Decent conditions so hopefully I can beat my record tonight :) xxx"
44. Do you like hot sauce? No.
45. Last time you took a shower? Like an hour ago.
46. Do you need to do laundry? Not really.
47. What is your heritage? British.
48. Are you someone's best friend? Well I hope so, if not I am going to cry. :'(
49. Are you rich? Well depends on the perception, I haven't got billions, but I'm not in poverty.
50. What were you doing at 12am last night? Well I was having a very interesting conversation with Emily about erections and trees. oh and Vajazzles.

So that was the 50 Random Questions Tag. It was pretty interesting. Hope that was fun for you to read. See you in the 'morrow!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Magical Buses and Lesbinums

It started out as such an innocent conversation. Claire asking us whether we wanted to got to her house and revise. Then as you can probably tell by the title of this post (which was the title of the conversation for most of it) that things got weird. I'm going to mention the highlights to you:

Magical buses came from Lish asking how she would get to Horsford and I responded with..."There are these magical things called Buses" and Lesbinums came from, well I'm sure you could figure that out.
Then we started talking about the kind of onesies we have. 
One of the weirder conversations was about how Emily was a guy. Then all of a sudden she went on a walk and returned having a sex change. Emily is a strange one. 
Claire then said "Being the skittles in Tuesday" instead of bring so we also started making fun of this, cause it's what you do. 
Then there was the mate fight. I hate being called "mate" 
At some point Lish also started being mean to me so I threatened to kill the cast of TVD. 
During the conversation there has been a lot of calling people Sluts. 
 We spoke about bus routes where I drew some wonderful maps for people. Literally works of art.
Then a wonderful conversation about our family tree. You know the one I blogged about that one time.
Which led into a conversation about Giancarlo's sexy neck. 
A brief conversation about the horniness of dolphins.
Then I was talking about my plans to rape them all. I'm so nice to my friends.
A long talk about foods.
Then Giancarlo and I practically started singing to each other. For about an hour. 
After this we went to sleep. The conversation started at one and ended at about eleven. Well that's what we thought.

Because at 10am the next day (today) it started again, and has pretty much been going on since. Again here are the highlights:
It started with a conversation about Lish wanting to kill Maddy 
After this was my amazing fact about sleeping. Did you know if you regularly get more than 10 hours sleep, you will randomly die.
So we started sending random songs to each other.
Then they fought for my affection.
We were then sent us the most disturbing photo of ALL TIME.
Jessie then joined the conversation and it became all about Doge, and LawnGerry.
We then started sending each other puns. I love a good pun.
More talking of food, and revision.
I got called a slut :'(
After this was a long conversation about time machine's and where we'd go and what we'd do if we had one.
Talk about smoking and dying.

Then we are at where I started writing a blog and the conversation is still going. It's about 6pm now. Hope I don't end up too consumed in the conversation I wont blog tomorrow. I bet you are all hoping that though ;) See you in the 'morrrow!