Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Sacrifice

Hello, so today the ambassadoring continued, which meant I had to get up early. However, this day is the only day this week I am allowed to have a lay in. I SACRIFICED MY LAY IN! And for what? Pretty much pointlessness. I mean if it was for the people I was with I would have demanded that time back. 

So I got to school at my usual annoying time when nobody is in the common room. Others then turned up and we were summoned to the hall, after Maddy and I hugged a lot. So we sat through a small boring assembly and then practically ran to the psychology taster,cause a lot of ambassadors would be there. It was a little pointless because we didn't really do anything, no-one asked us questions, and we just sat on the floor rambling about different psychology things, like Jenness and Freud, which accidently lead to miss saying that all women have penises. Great work there. 

After this was another assembly thing, which was so boring! I went in and claimed a chair then got up from the chair for like a moment came back and it had been stolen so I went to go sit on the floor in protest, when  Maddy decided to drag me back and actually lift me onto the chair, and trapped me there with a table. During the assembly I mainly played 2048, and then helped Maddy and Tom with this quiz type thing and they were amazed at my genius. Then it was break and we sat in the common room and I can never remember what happens so moving on!

Maddy, Will and I went to Media Studies Taster Session. I practically leaped into the room and Mr Galley definitely seemed impressed. Then we did this work and it was pretty fun, but me being there was rather pointless. Anywho, that happened and we went to go to yet another assembly thing which was just as boring but we realised Maddy was in love with me. Like we didn't know that already. After this there was a barbeque and I was annoyed by their lack of veggie options as they ran out before I could get something which is kind of bullshit, for I don't ask for much from the school. But whatever I had a doughnut and some Orange Juice. 

Since this was over I was allowed to vacate the premises, but I stayed for lunchtime to spend time with people. We had a cuddle club and were making jokes about how Maddy was in love with all the girls, and we planned for the game assassins we are starting tomorrow. This led to Tom and I hiding behind a bush.  So Lunch was over and I went window shopping in the city, then I wents home.

See you in the 'morrow!

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