Monday 14 July 2014

The Pointless Week

Hey there! So this week is an incredibly pointless week. It is Independent Learning Week. Basically I think the school can't be bothered to teach us anymore so they have given us a week off to "do work" at home. Then we have to go back for 3 days next week which is pretty pointless and and my last fucking day is just private study! UGH LIFE! 

Anywho, so most of this week I have actually made plans to just chill out and have fun. Over the weekend all I did was play sims and the rest of the week is spent on various activities involving seeing my friends in various locations. Yep I am fully using this time wisely. But don't get me wrong I did some work today, and went out for a meal with the grandparents, which was yum. But I made some foldables for Biology and pretty much have that completed, so now I just have to finish Media, which I am going to do with Jessie on Wednesday and ensure I have my other Biology work finish which I'll probably try and do on Friday, then most of my week is devoted to fun.

However since I did not go to school I don't really have a lot to say cause there are no stories about my friends or lessons so it is just like, I was asleep, I woke up, I went for a meal, I did some biology. Super fun! So yeah... Sorry about that. Will probably happen a lot the week, cause like I said, it's pointless.

See you in the 'morrow!

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