Wednesday 23 July 2014


Yes you read the title correctly. Yesterday I told you that it was my last day at school, which was correct, but technically today was supposed to be my last day, but I skipped it. I had a legit reason though guys. Reason numero Uno: it was the last day, what are we actually going to do on a last day? Number 2: I would have only had private study making it more pointless as I would have just sat on my own doing nothing. Three: It is my mum's birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!) and I would rather spend the day with her. 

So here is what happened. Hal and I got ready to be picked up by our grandparents to be taken to Hemsby to visit my mum for her birthday. We decided to leave our house early and start walking towards where they would be heading from. On this walk we saw some really pretty butterflies. The drive there wasn't too bad, I mainly listened to music and read a bit, then Nannie got a bit lost and we ended up going the wrong way, but we got there in the end so that is all that matters. 

When we got there I said hey to my other Nanny and my mum and dad and then I was forced to make them all tea. So we sat outside in the sun, which wasn't too bad I guess. And the whole time was pretty much spent me making loom band bracelets for people. so much fun. Then we went to a pub for lunch and it was nice, and we sat outside after we ate our food and we just talking about random things. My nannie was being mean to me though calling me a pest :/ No-one stuck up for me either! 

After this we drove back to the caravan (this was where we were before just realised that I didn't mention this earlier) And we went to the arcadey bit and I didn't win a lot considering what I spent, and what I won I mainly gave to my mother. Then I made yet more loom bands had some birthday cake and pretty much had an identical journey home, despite the going the wrong way. So I am very happy I missed school for this. Even though I did miss everyone, however I will see them all soons. 

See you in the 'morrow! 

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