Thursday 24 July 2014


Hi there. So after a discussion with my friends a couple of days ago, I decided to do something I haven't done in a long time. Upload videos to Youtube. I think I have mentioned before that a few years ago some friends and I decided to put random videos of our lives up on youtube, mainly just for memory purposes, rather than seeking to become famous (However we felt that could have been a nice bonus) Anywho... About 7 months ago we kind of gave up as it became more difficult to film things as we were busy and it was just ugh, so we gave up. Some of our videos were pretty popular, not Pewdiepie popular, but for a small unknown youtuber I say we did pretty good. 
 (Old Channel unicornsoftherainbow )

But anyway, the dream kind of died. Even though I still wanted to be a big part of youtube as it is kind of my life now, and ever since I started this blog I had considered vlogging and sharing it on here, so I didn't have to type out as much, cause sometimes that frustrates me. So back to the conversation, Maddy (a new Blogger you should check out ) suggested people start making videos again, and I thought this was a good idea. 

After going through my laptop I found some footage I have taken earlier this year annd never shared with anyone. So I thought this could be a good starting point to see how things turn out. And Basically be the starting point for the whole new Vlog thing. Following this is going to be a link to a post I am going to write shortly (I know confusing right?) that is going to be the way I kind of do vlogs now. Please tell me what you think. If you care. I probably wont get any responses will I? No I'm just a weird girl chatting to herself to feel more normal. Yes that made perfect sense. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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