Monday 7 July 2014

Weirdness, Laughter and Being Traumatised

And I am back from my weekend break! What did I do? I played sims 3 all weekend. Such a good time. So I guess this is going to be a short blog about my day cause I didn't do much today. 

So I walked to school and then when I got there I mounted Jessie and was told wonderful stories about people putting boobs in others faces. It was pretty weird. Then Emily and I went to our biology lesson where we did a practical and basically drew some kidneys. After this I could have gone home but because I love my friends, I decided to stay for lunchtime.

There was talk about naked tennis player which led to fun innuendos. Then there was the resurrection of shrek is love shrek is life, that led to a weird video Amy was shown  which just traumatised me. Then there was just a bunch of comments that became rude and I was dying of laughter most of the time. So I am pretty glad I stayed. So then I walked to the bus stop and got super rage because I almost got hit by a car as I was trying to cross a road because they didn't fucking indicate before they turned so almost drove into me. UGH LEARN WHEN TO INDICATE PEOPLE! But I am fines and then waited like half an hour for a bus cause I missed the one I was planning to get by like 30 seconds. Today was not my day. 

But yeah then I came home watched some TV and now I am going to play sims because I am like so totally addicted to it now. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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