Wednesday 30 July 2014

The Social Events

Hello! Today I actually did something. I got out of the house and had a life! Well I lie I also did something social on Saturday. OH CRAP! I forgot to blog about Saturday. I could have done that yesterday. Oh well. 

The guys and myself went laser tag. YAY! It started off with I double checking we could play at the desired time. It turns out we could play so yay. Now we had time to kill so I went and got my usual from Amy, ran briefly into Siobhan and sat outside in the shade waiting for Jamie and Kia. 

They arrived and we talked and walked to the laser tag place, where we met up with the others. And then we paid and sat around making tactics. We then met with the group of people that were to join us in our first game. So we had the Red Team: Dean, Jade, Jamie, Dale, Kia, and myself. vs the Blue Team: Emma, Emily, Lish, Giancarlo, Tom, Connor and Jamie (the original Jamie, the other was a newbie) for 20 minutes of hecticness. I played as Loki, and Lish was Thor which was just pure genius and we proved that Loki is clearly the better sibling as I shot her more times. And Red Team one, completely thrashing the other team. I also hit Connor and Giancarlo around 50 times each so that was an achievement. 

After this we had a small break including more tactics discussions, score result comparisons. Then talking to our new friends about organising another laser tag session soon before they left us. ONTO OUR NEXT GAME! Team Red: Lish, Kia, Emma, Emily and myself. vs Team Blue: Giancarlo, Tom, Connor and Jamie. AND THE RED TEAM WON! Woop! This round I managed to shoot Giancarlo 91 times. and I got the second highest score. YES!

After this, we went to the foodcourt, and spoke about couples in our school, and previous relationships, and Giancarlo's coffee high. As well as Kia and I sharing a chip Lady and the Tramp style. All whilst watching Amy at work. Then we wandered around the city and then eventually went our separate ways.

And that is probably the only social thing I will do in a while.

See you in the 'morrow!

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