Tuesday 22 July 2014

A Day of Lasts

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! But Elli you don't know anyone who has a birthday today? Doesn't mean that it's not someone's birthday out there. Hmm? Anywho, today was a day of lasts, for it was my last day of school, so it was my last Biology lesson, my last psychology lesson, my last break and lunchtime. It was kind of emotional. But then I realised I will probably face this all again next year (if I get the grades) but then it will be my actual last time, and that's pretty sad. It will be the end. 

Thinking about finally leaving school is pretty weird, what am I going to do with my life? School is all I know! But anywho... Today I had a lay in and said goodbye to my parents as they abandon me and my sister for the next few days. Then I went to buy my mum a birthday card with Emily and we were discussing whether to go funny or sweet. I went funny. Then we got to school at break and I was all I will miss you so much Jessie (as I would not have seen her late) and then I headed to double biology with Emily where we did some colouring. So much fun. 

After this I had some errands to do, so I did them and then we just sat around talking about things, and I can't really remember much. Which is strange. Anywho... Then is was a single psychology as we got to leave early and our teacher (who will never teach us again :'( ) got us pizza and ice cream. YUM! Then I went home on the bus and had a takeaway with my sister and played some sims and got amazed I can recreate being human with some of the expansion packs I got, and yeah. Blogging!

See you in the 'morrow!

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