Thursday 17 July 2014

A Sunny Afternoon

Hiya! Today was a pretty good day, and I will tell you for why. This fabulous day was spent with my friends at the park. However it was too sunny and I was dying, and apparently my face is slightly sunburnt and I am too scared to look at the damage.

So my day started off at 11am when I went to go meet Maddy at the park and we chatted a bit. So the others planned to meet us later, but we thought we would go see if the other Horsfordinians could come and play a bit earlier. So first we headed to Emma's and there was no answer and we assumed she was out (later it turns out she was just in the shower) after that failure we went to go see if Claire was there and it turns out she wasn't either, but said she would be home shortly so we waited, basically on her doorstep for her, where we saw some dogs. 

Then I needed a drink so I went back to my house and offered people some orange juice, and just casually came in and out of my house for various things. Next we went to the bus stop where the guys planned to get off and waited for them. Once we saw the bus go past we were like what? Then we got texts saying they were already at the park and I was annoyed cause they said they were going to get off at this bus stop! But we walked to the park and met up with everyone and it was good. 

We played some Mafia and Uno, for a few hours, there was a lot of confusion and raging at people, as well as funny jokes and shiz. Then we went to the shop to buy food and Maddy had to leave us for she needed to get a train to see her boyfriend. We then returned to the park and played yet more uno, and then did some chilling and played ball games, and I spammed Giancarlo's phone with pictures, we played a lot more mafia, and then before we knew it, it was 5, so we some people thought about heading home, and some of us went on the turtle swing and the slide and things, as if we were kids again, and then we all went our separate ways.

It was a great day and I wish we could do things like this again cause they don't really cost anything and we still get to see each other and have a good time. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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